
NHS England welcomes new ‘personalised’ mental health resource

NHS England’s Clinical Director for Mental Health, Geraldine Strathdee has welcomed the launch of a new mental health resource which describes what personalised, coordinated care and support looks like.

Mental health services should consider “who I am, what’s important to me, how I wish to be supported and how people behave with me” – according to the new resource launched today by Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) and National Voices.

“No Assumptions – A Narrative for Personalised, Coordinated Care and Support in Mental Health” describes the critical outcomes and success factors in the care, support and treatment of people who use mental health services, from their perspective.

Mrs Geraldine Strathdee said:  “I very much welcome the launch of this new programme, which is a ‘must read’ for anyone commissioning and delivering mental health services. People with lived experience of mental ill health tell us what fundamentally matters to them, and the type of collaborative, empowering, effective and safe care they want.

“As we have seen this past year, there is no more powerful advocacy for mental health care in England, than the voice of users telling us about their experiences and how they manage full lives while living with mental health conditions.

“This resource also provides examples of ‘what good looks like’ in practice and how services can reach the NICE quality standard for user experience. I very much look forward to hearing more from patient voice to help us realise our new ambition which is to provide integrated physical and mental health care in settings and conditions.”

The narrative will help NHS and council commissioners and providers of services to organise person-centred care and recovery-oriented support for mental and physical health and to know when they are achieving it.

It was commissioned and endorsed by NHS England, and will be shared with the 13 other national system-leading organisations in the integrated care and support collaborative, including the Department of Health, ADASS, LGA and the health and social care regulators.

No Assumptions has been co-produced with people who have lived experience of mental illness from TLAP’s National Co-production Advisory Group, together with organisations including the National Survivor User Network, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness and Certitude. It includes a number of case studies that show how good personalised, coordinated care in mental health services can be achieved around England.


  1. Pearl Baker says:

    Good Practice in Personalised care is good to see, however there is no monitoring on any of the services provided by the GPs, until this is acknowledged and a system is put into place to address this issue, too many mentally ill will ‘fall through the net’ the ‘gap’ is widening.

    Example of bad practice:
    Patient subject to section 117 of the 1983 MHA is discharged from section 117 on the basis they are now well! although still receiving care and treatment.

    They live at home with parents, or recognised carer to ensure they take their medication and attend to their daily living..

    Their Care Manager is withdrawn, they have no idea what their rights are.

    They are then informed they have to pay for their aftercare as they are no longer subject to section 117 free aftercare! although they receive care and treatment 24/7.

    The MHA code of practice is completely ignored by the GP, because they are too busy looking after other patients.

    How can this be addressed to achieve these patients and carers are not lost to the system who is supposed to be supporting them both.

    Section 117 is part of the l983 MHA, and in my opinion is the responsibility of the CQC inspection of regulated service.

    CQC inspect GP practices, they should request to see the notes of all patients subject to section 117 to ensure they are receiving all their entitlements, and that a Care Manager Co-ordinator is involved to ensure the carer and patients are receiving all their entitlements.

    All patients discharged from Section 117 medical notes should be available to the CQC, where is will soon become very clear that these patients are still receiving care and treatment, and the only reason they have become stable is with the help of their carer, who provides care and support 24/7.

    My recent attendance with an open CCG Board meeting confirmed by the chair, a GP, that he has personally attended meetings with the Care Manager Co-ordinator of dementia patients, so why not with their Mentally Ill patients subject to section 117.I am afraid until the issues I have highlighted above are addressed their will be no improvements for the mentally ill..

  2. Peter Balfour says:

    ‘Personalised’ mental health is vital – but, I fear, there is a danger that training in Psychiatry is placing too much emphasis on the rote-learning of information and on statistics!

  3. Pearl Baker says:

    My previous comments have not been published! probably because they were to ‘transparent’. If lessons are to be learnt, the facts have to be faced up to.

    There is no ‘monitoring’ of agencies, where there is evidence they are not following the LAW or anything else.

    ‘Integration’ would be great, if those agencies responsible for its implementation had any idea, what this means.!

  4. Rod Whiteley says:

    Reactions to this in the Mental Health Forum are pretty scathing, and they are a ‘must read’, too, for anyone commissioning and delivering mental health services. Perhaps Geraldine Strathdee might like to go there and reply: NHS England welcomes new ‘personalised’ mental health resource