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98 results

Real time data

This section provides information and links to real time data that is available to support your improvement activities. The data can be accessed openly, is currently active, published regularly and available to view by integrated care board (ICB) and/or trust level. It covers a range of measures across primary, elective and emergency care. Activity data […]

NHS strikes landmark deal for drug to treat two most common cancers

Hundreds of patients with breast cancer and advanced prostate cancer could benefit from a breakthrough targeted therapy, after the NHS agreed a landmark commercial deal to roll-out the drug to treat forms of the two most common cancers in England. The drug, olaparib (Lynparza®), targets cancers with mutations in the BRCA genes, and works by […]

NHS to offer licensed cannabis-based medicine to treat rare genetic condition

The NHS will be able to prescribe cannabidiol to patients with a rare, seizure-causing genetic disorder in England from today (Tuesday) after the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued final guidance recommending its use. Around one in every 6,000 people suffer from tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) that causes seizures, which severely affect […]

Narrowing the gap – increasing engagement with digital services

Following the publication of novel research on digital inclusion in health and social care by Basis Social, Bola Akinwale, Deputy Director, National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme reflects on how the NHS and wider organisations can reduce digital exclusion and narrow healthcare inequalities The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a harsh light on the health inequalities and […]

Chapter 1: Standard infection control precautions (SICPs)

Contents 1.1 Patient placement/assessment for infection risk 1.2 Hand hygiene 1.3 Respiratory and cough hygiene 1.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) 1.5 Safe management of care equipment 1.6 Safe management of the care environment 1.7 Safe management of linen 1.8 Safe management of blood and body fluid spillages 1.9 Safe disposal of waste (including sharps) 1.10 […]

Enhanced Access to General Practice services through the network contract DES – Frequently asked questions

Please click on a section to take you to the related questions: The Service Contracting Commissioners Subcontracting Finance Digital services Support offer Skill mix Miscellaneous 1. The service 1.1 Why is a new enhanced access service approach needed? The new arrangements aim to remove variability across the country by putting in place a more standardised […]

Shared Care Protocols

To promote a standard approach to Shared Care Protocols (SCPs), on behalf of the national Regional Medicines Optimisation Committees (RMOCs) system, RMOC (North) led the development of Shared Care for Medicines Guidance – A Standard Approach. This guidance defines the principles for a national system of shared care for medicines. The guidance provides a framework […]

How to access your personal information or make a request in relation to other rights

Medical records Find out how to get a copy of your medical records Information held by NHS England Requests may be made in writing, by email, or by speaking to us – see NHS England » NHS England as a data controller. All requests will be recorded, and you may need to provide information to verify […]