
Accessible Information Standard comes into force

New framework will ensure clearer health and care information for disabled people and their carers.

People with disabilities will benefit from improved health and care after new requirements come into force today, ensuring they receive easily accessible information and support.

The Accessible Information Standard aims to ensure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are provided with information that they can easily read or understand with support so they can communicate effectively with services. Examples of the types of support that might be required include large print, braille or using a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter.

All organisations that provide NHS care or adult social care are required to follow the new standard, including NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts, and GP practices. As part of the accessible information standard, these organisations must do five things:

  • Ask people if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs.
  • Record those needs clearly and in a set way.
  • Highlight or ‘flag’ the person’s file or notes so it is clear that they have information or communication needs and how those needs should be met.
  • Share information about people’s information and communication needs with other providers of NHS and adult social care, when they have consent or permission to do so.
  • Take steps to ensure that people receive information which they can access and understand, and receive communication support if they need it.

The Accessible Information Standard took more than two years to develop overseen by NHS England, working in partnership with the Health and Social Care Information Centre and with a range of charities including the RNIB, Action on Hearing Loss, Sense, CHANGE and independent patient representatives. The standard was published in July 2015, meaning that organisations then had a year to get everything in place to be able to meet the requirements of the Standard by 31st July 2016.

Anu Singh, Director of Patient and Public Participation at NHS England, said: “Good quality, accessible health and care information is essential, particularly for patients with the greatest needs. We must strive for equality across the health service and this new framework will help patients with disabilities receive improved standards of care and be more involved in how that care is delivered.”


  1. neil webb-johnson says:

    It appears that the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust are yet to learn and/or implement this

  2. Steven Abbott says:


    The AIS Implementation Guidance states in places:
    • “Note that print-ready templates for letters and posters will be made available as part of resources to support implementation” and
    • “Further advice about creating accessible documents, including for users of assistive technology, will be made available as part of the suite of tools to support implementation of the Standard”

    I might have missed these? Can you let me know if they’re available and where I can find them.

  3. Pearl Baker says:

    Those subject to Section 117 MHA are being discharged from Care Plans, in the name of money. ‘invisible to the system’ The CQC inspection process, requires the CCGs, Hospital Trusts to hold a Register of those subject to Section 117, important they request sight of this Register and Patients Medical records when Inspecting GP Surgeries.

    The latest idea that GP Surgeries will be inspected every four years if they receive a ‘Good’ rating is a complete waste of time. I have the evidence that the most vulnerable are being neglected by all agencies.

  4. Michele Morton says:

    Hello, can you point me in the direction of where it says in the guidance that italics should not be used? thank you

  5. Frances Groat says:

    I have just read this “Alternatively, or in addition, you could contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team at the hospital, to discuss your experience, and also to make them aware of their duties as part of the Accessible Information Standard.” in the NHS England’s reply to “Jill Honeybun says:
    10 August, 2016 at 4:37 am” complaint.
    It is not the duty nor the responsibility of members of the public to inform hospitals of their responsibilities to their patients nor too ensure that relevant Legislation is being adhered to by the hospital staff.
    This is what you (NHS England) are receiving monies from the public purse too ensure is happening throughout the NHS, and in fact what all NHS staff are being paid too do; as, if they are not, then surely they are committing a criminal act of at a minimum, fraudulently receiving payment for work that has not been carried out to the contractual standards, but that they falsely claim has been.

  6. Jill Honeybun says:

    My son was admitted on 1st August for a GA. He has severe learning difficulties, at 37 he has a mental age of 3-4 years old. I’d explained to all staff beforehand, so this should have been well recorded. He was welcomed by a nurse whose English was so poor I struggled to understand about 40% of what she was saying. My son probably understood nothing. She gabbled what she was saying, although I’d asked everyone to speak to him slowly and choose simple words and sentences. Staff never treated him appropriately. One even said to him, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you say your pain is at the moment?” I said there was no point in asking him this. She said she needed to know. I explained he wouldn’t have understood the question posed in that way, and she didn’t understand why not!!!

  7. John Payne says:

    My profoundly disabled 24 yr old son always requires sedation for any invasive procedure, one of his problems is recurring esophageal strictures, the last time that he needed treatment ( an esophageal dilatation under general anaesthetic) it took 63 days from initial contact with the hospital to the procedure taking place, during this period he had two aspiration episodes, which could have necessitated an emergency admission to hospital for aspiration pneumonia’s, thankfully we are allowed to keep antibiotics at home (in powder form) and we began treatment before the infection took hold and saved an admission to hospital and the cost involved for an admission for the NHS. Will this new framework help my son get speedier treatment in the future ? We made the hospital very aware of the possible consequences (aspiration) that a prolonged delay in treatment could have, but it looked as if our info fell on to deaf ears. Thank you for any help you can give me.

  8. Georgina Lyons says:

    Reminds of the lengthy questionnaire which SW’s filled in regarding care needs of the vulnerable clients.
    Which was then left with client and none of the professionals looked at. ( didn’t know about or had forgotten about)