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Doctor’s medical appraisal checklist

The checklist can be found as a new section within the updated MAG form (NHS England 2016), but for those doctors not using the MAG form, or who would like a printed/hard copy version including the explanatory notes, a separate/stand-alone version is available to assist doctors as an aide memoire in their preparation for appraisal. […]

ROAN information sheet 7: Scheduling appraisal for short term doctors

Simple rule to help improve appraisal rates for doctors in short term placements At the start of every new placement the responsible officer of the engaging designated body must establish the doctor’s appraisal due date and schedule the doctor’s appraisal if their appraisal due date falls within the time that they remain connected to the […]

Medical Practice Information Transfer (MPIT) Form

The Medical Practice Information Transfer (MPIT) Form is designed to support the appropriate transfer of information about a doctor’s practice to and from the doctor’s responsible officer. It can be used to share information with the doctor’s responsible officer in the following situations: when a doctor’s prescribed connection changes when a concern arises about the […]

COVID-19 and professional standards activities (including appraisal and revalidation)

Contents Medical appraisal Revalidation recommendations Framework for Quality Assurance for Responsible Officers and Revalidation Mandatory and other non-essential activities Responding to concerns about a doctor’s practice   Publication approval reference: BC0108 To: All Responsible Officers and Medical Directors in England 19 March 2020 Dear Colleague I am writing about changes to professional standards activities in […]

ROAN information sheet 28: Tracking scope of work for trainees

Responsible officers will be familiar with the challenge of tracking a doctor’s scope of work, given the range and complexity of many doctors’ portfolios. The requirement of ensuring a responsible officer is fully informed about a doctor’s full scope of work applies to doctors in postgraduate training to the same level as any other doctor […]

ROAN information sheet 37: Sharing appraisal information with employers

Doctors are commonly asked to share information about their appraisal with employers whether as part of pre-employment processes or within the organisation’s routine governance arrangements. This is a valid process described in the Information Flows guidance produced by NHS England. However, doctors report that the request can extend beyond simple proof of appraisal or provision […]

ROAN information sheet 30: Pre-employment Medical Practice Information Transfer (MPIT)

Anecdotes at network meetings indicate that HR teams in some organisations continue to send Medical Practice Information Transfer (MPIT) form requests as part of the pre-employment process, prior to the doctor being appointed by the organisation. Responsible officers are advised to take care to respond appropriately to such requests. The Information Flows guidance (link below) […]

ROAN information sheet 21: Reviewing all roles in scope of work

Doctors commonly work in several different roles and for a number of different organisations. This information sheet aims to guide the doctor and their appraiser in judging the portfolio of information needed to confirm whether the doctor is up to date and fit to practise in each of their roles, proportionate to the role in […]

Colleague and patient feedback

Feedback from colleagues and patients is an important part of the supporting information that doctors are required to produce in the appraisal process; this feedback is required once in each five-year revalidation cycle. It provides information on a doctor’s practice and how others perceive the quality of the doctor’s professional work. When considered with the […]