
Our cancer outcomes have improved significantly over recent years, including our survival rates, which have never been higher. However, our work continues to make sure that everyone with cancer receives world-class care, support and treatment.

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About cancer

Cancer affects us all.  Delivering the best outcomes for cancer patients is an absolute priority; we want every person with cancer to have the very best diagnosis, treatment and care.

Diagnosing cancer earlier

Earlier diagnosis makes it more likely that patients will receive treatments that can cure cancer. It saves lives.

Diagnosing cancer faster

Waiting to find out whether you have cancer is a hugely anxious time - we are putting in place measures to speed up cancer diagnoses.

Cancer Experience of Care

We are improving patient experience and putting it on an equal footing with other clinical outcomes.

The NHS Long Term Plan and commitments for cancer

Cally Palmer, NHS England’s National Cancer Director shares her thoughts on the NHS Long Term Plan and what it means for cancer.

Cally gives an overview of cancer screening programmes, the new 28-day faster diagnosis standard and the care and treatment options available. Cally also talks about the Targeted Lung Health Checks programme, one of the first programmes to roll out of the Long Term Plan.

Investing in radiotherapy to fight cancer

Watch this short video which shows how we are investing in radiotherapy to fight cancer.

Funded by NHS England, University College London Hospitals are one of the first hospitals to receive a new LINAC radiotherapy machine.

In this video, patient Chris Duggan talks about the treatment he is experiencing, and Dr. Yen-Ching Chang describes how this new equipment works.

News and blogs

NHS urges more women to take up cervical screening invitations

Millions of women are being urged to come forward for cervical screening as figures show a third of eligible under 50s didn’t take up the potentially lifesaving offer. The latest figures show that as of December last year, 65.8% of the 11 million eligible women aged 25-49 took up their cervical screening invitation and were screened within […]