
Thousands of patients set to benefit from five-minute breast cancer treatment

An injection that cuts the amount of time breast cancer patients spend in hospital from two and a half hours to as little as five minutes is being rolled out across the country by NHS England. Breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy will be offered a new combined treatment called PHESGO, which is injected and takes […]

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‘COVID-friendly’ cancer care at home extended for more patients

Thousands of people with cancer can benefit from ‘COVID friendly’ treatments from home, the NHS announced today. More than 30 different drugs are available to treat patients, offering benefits such as fewer hospital visits or a reduced impact on their immune system. Around 8,000 people have already benefitted from the treatment ‘swaps’ since April helping […]

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NHS rolls out capsule cameras to test for cancer

Miniature cameras which patients can swallow to get checked for cancer are being trialled across the NHS. The imaging technology, in a capsule no bigger than a pill, can provide a diagnosis within hours. Known as a colon capsule endoscopy, the cameras are the latest NHS innovation to help patients access cancer checks at home. […]

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NHS gives cancer patients genetic test to select best treatment

Patients with the cancers will be offered the rapid new test to help decide whether to go ahead with treatment, opt for a lower dose or use a different method of tackling tumours. While most patients undergoing chemotherapy do not suffer sever side effects a small number taking certain drugs called fluoropyrimidines (5-FU and capecitabine) […]

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Celebs with cancer back NHS call for people to get symptoms checked

Celebrities with cancer have joined NHS doctors to encourage the public to come forward for vital, life-saving checks. Famous faces backing the move to increase take-up of NHS checks include the Nolan sisters, who have recently opened about their cancer diagnosis and former BBC Breakfast presenter Bill Turnbull. Although the NHS treated 85,000 people for […]

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Chemo doorstep drops help to keep cancer patients safe

Thousands of patients with cancer have had chemotherapy delivered to their doors so that they can more safely receive treatment during the coronavirus pandemic. Up to 10,000 chemo home deliveries were made over three months at the peak of the outbreak, avoiding the need for patients to venture out and risk infection when their immune […]

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NHS rolls out ‘COVID-friendly’ cancer treatments

‘COVID-friendly’ cancer treatments that are safer for patients during the pandemic will be expanded and extended through a £160 million initiative, NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens announced today. The funding will pay for drugs that treat patients without having such a big impact on their immune system or offer other benefits such as fewer […]

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