
NHS England action to save lives by catching more cancers early

NHS England Chief Executive, Simon Stevens, will today announce the scaling up of an innovative scheme that catches lung cancer early by scanning patients, along with new details of a more sensitive bowel cancer test that could save thousands of lives. Speaking at the Economist War on Cancer event in London, he will highlight the […]

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NHS England announces plans to break down barriers for research

NHS England has today announced plans to accelerate the NHS’ national research strategy, cutting bureaucracy and speeding up access to new and innovative treatments. Speaking at the Economist War on Cancer event today, NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens will tell delegates that the NHS is already one of the best places in the world to […]

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New technology, earlier diagnosis and better coordination of care in cancer

The NHS is on-track to transform cancer services in England by 2020/21 according to a report published today by NHS England’s National Cancer Programme. The report details the investment the NHS is making in cancer transformation, including £130m over the period 2016/18 in new and upgraded radiotherapy equipment and £200m over the next two years […]

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New quality of life measure for recovering cancer patients

In a world leading move, quality of life for cancer patients will be tracked as part of ambitious plans by NHS England to radically improve care and support for people once treatment ends. The ground-breaking new approach is set to drive improvements in after care which includes personalised plans for people with cancer outlining not […]

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