
Dame Deborah James helps more people check signs of cancer

Thousands more people checked bowel cancer symptoms online this week thanks to Dame Deborah James, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard revealed today. Latest figures show there was a tenfold increase- from 2,000 to 23,274 -in visits to the NHS webpages for bowel cancer, on Wednesday this week compared to the day before. NHS chief executive […]

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High street pharmacies spot cancers in new NHS early diagnosis drive

Staff in high street pharmacies will be funded to spot signs of cancer as part of a new drive to catch tumours early when they are easier to treat, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard announced today. Customers will then be sent for scans and other checks under the initiative, which is being trialled by pharmacies […]

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One million checks delivered by NHS ‘one stop shops’

NHS ‘one stop shops’ have delivered over one million checks and tests since the rollout began, as the biggest catch up programme in health history gathers pace. Over 90 community diagnostic centres (CDCs) are already freeing up hospital capacity by offering MRI, CT and other services closer to patients’ homes, often in the heart of […]

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Hundreds of patients to get life-extending lung cancer drug on the NHS

Hundreds of people with a form of the most common form of lung cancer could survive twice as long with the disease, thanks to a drug now available on the NHS. The drug, durvalumab, can double the overall time someone can survive with an aggressive form of lung cancer from two and a half to […]

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A record year for people receiving lifesaving NHS cancer checks

Almost three million people were referred for cancer checks over the last 12 months – the highest year on record – up by over a tenth on the 2.4 million people referred before the pandemic. NHS cancer chiefs continue to urge people to come forward as the latest data shows that record numbers of people […]

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Celebrities join forces with the NHS to encourage cancer checks

Famous faces have come out in support of a new, first of its kind NHS campaign aimed at tackling fears and concerns about cancer. Former boxer Johnny Nelson, Love Islander Demi Jones and celebrity builder Tommy Walsh have all taken part in the new film, outlining their own experiences of cancer and encouraging people to […]

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NHS fast tracks new ‘gamechanging’ drug for lung cancer

A targeted new drug for a rare and aggressive form of lung cancer will be fast-tracked to eligible patients within weeks, thanks to a deal brokered by NHS England. Patients in England will be the first in Europe to access Mobocertinib – the only precision drug available to patients with a mutation-driven, advanced form of […]

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Life-extending injection for blood cancer available on the NHS

A life-extending injection for a fatal form of blood cancer will be available to around 350 patients per year in England, the NHS chief executive has announced. The drug, which can extend the lives of patients with a recurring and incurable cancer of the bone marrow cells – known as multiple myeloma – by an […]

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