
Ukrainian refugee children to begin lifesaving NHS cancer care

The 21 Ukrainian children who were evacuated to England, are now all under the care of NHS specialist hospital services and are starting their package of cancer treatment. Following their arrival on Sunday night, all children have received health assessments from NHS staff and have now been triaged to seven hospitals across England, getting the […]

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NHS seeks views on proposed new standards for cancer

The NHS is today launching a consultation on proposed new standards that will help diagnose more cancers earlier and save more lives. Developed with clinical leaders, the proposals – supported by NHS staff as well as patient groups and cancer charities – aim to simplify and update cancer standards, based on the recommendations of the […]

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Hundreds of patients to benefit from revolutionary lung cancer drug on the NHS

A revolutionary targeted drug for lung cancer will be made available to anyone who is eligible, thanks to a new drug deal, the head of the NHS announced today. Sotorasib targets a genetic mutation, dubbed the ‘death star’, by medics and scientists, and has been proven during trials to prevent lung cancer from growing for […]

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NHS Chief launches new campaign to combat the fear of Cancer

A new campaign taking a radically different approach to detecting cancer early for patients, when it is easier to treat, has been announced today by NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard. Running across TV, radio, and social media from tomorrow, the campaign is the first to focus on tackling the fear of cancer rather than specific […]

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New life-extending drug for advanced womb cancer to be rolled out on the NHS

A 30-minute treatment, the first of its kind for advanced womb cancer, is being rolled out for women across England, the NHS announced today. Around 100 women with advanced and often incurable endometrial cancer every year will be offered this life-extending drug after the NHS agreed early access to the treatment through the Cancer Drugs […]

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Youngest proton beam patient marks three year NHS milestone

The youngest patient in the UK to be treated using pioneering proton beam therapy has helped mark the three years since the treatment was made available on the NHS in England. Teddy Slade, who recently celebrated his fourth birthday, was just 18 months old when he underwent proton beam therapy for a rare brain tumour, […]

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Lung cancer patients to benefit from revolutionary new drug on NHS

Thousands of lung cancer patients in England will be fast-tracked a ground-breaking new drug which can significantly reduce the risk of cancer returning, thanks to a deal brokered by NHS England. The MHRA has now approved the effective therapy, atezolizumab, to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), with more than 850 patients in England expected […]

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NHS cancer checks at record high with quarter of a million in one month

Record numbers of people are coming forward for cancer tests, with almost a quarter of a million referrals in one month according to the latest data, the NHS said today. The figures show that 246,000 people were checked for cancer in November – three times as many compared to the beginning of the pandemic in […]

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NHS responds to highest number of 999 calls on record

NHS 999 services had their busiest ever month in October as staff answered a record 1,012,143 calls, new figures have revealed today. Ambulance staff responded to more than 82,000 life threatening call-outs, an increase of more than 20,000 on the previous high for October in 2019 (61,561), as well as dealing with the surge in […]

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