About us

Ian Dalton moving on to pastures new

The NHS Commissioning Board today announces the forthcoming departure of its Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Ian Dalton CBE.  Ian will be moving to BT Global Services to take up the position of President of Global Health. Ian has held a number of very senior roles within the NHS including Chief Executive of […]

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Latest recruitment data published

At the Board meeting on 8 November 2012, National Director: HR, Jo-Anne Wass, provided an update on recruitment and diversity data. This information has now been published. Most very senior management posts have now been appointed to and, while challenging, we are confident that we will have the majority of posts recruited to by next […]

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Senior appointments made to NHS CB Medical Directorate

The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has made the following national appointments to the Medical Directorate: Barry Cockcroft (currently Chief Dental Officer for the Department of Health) has been appointed Chief Dental Officer Keith Ridge (currently Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for the Department of Health) has been appointed Chief Pharmaceutical Officer James Palmer (currently Medical Director […]

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Patients and Information directors and HR Director appointed to the NHS CB

Patients and Information John Coulthard (formerly Senior Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Microsoft UK) has been appointed Director of Customer Relations. John will lead the programme to support the NHS become a global leader in customer services, transforming ways in which patients, the public and those who serve them can take more control and make […]

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Consultation on the NHS Constitution launched today

The Department of Health (DH) has set out proposals to strengthen the NHS Constitution for public consultation today, with the NHS, patients and public all being asked to take part. The main changes proposed cover: a new responsibility for staff to treat patients not only with the highest standards of care, but also with compassion, […]

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NHS Commissioning Board formally established

The NHS Commissioning Board is formally established today. It is a new independent body with executive powers and exceptional responsibilities. In April 2013 it will take on its full range of responsibilities, and over the next six months will be assessing proposals for authorisation from over 200 new clinical commissioning groups. A great deal of […]

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