
NHS prostate cancer treatments surge in England

The number of men having treatment for prostate cancer has jumped by more than a quarter in England in one year, new NHS figures show today. Almost 4,000 men received prostate cancer treatment in August (3,898)  compared to just over 3,000 in the same month last year (3,057). Announcing the increase, NHS Chief Executive, Amanda […]

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NHS delivers record number of lifesaving cancer checks as long waits for care continue to fall

More people than ever before received a lifesaving NHS cancer check in August alongside continued progress against the elective recovery plan, new figures show today. Over a quarter of a million people (255,055) were checked following an urgent GP referral in August – the highest number since records began. Thanks to NHS awareness raising campaigns […]

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NHS expands lifesaving home testing kits for bowel cancer

Home-testing kits that can help detect early-stage bowel cancer will be rolled out to 58-year-olds in England for the first time, as part of a major expansion of the lifesaving screening programme. People aged 58 years will be automatically sent a Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) once eligible, which can detect early signs of bowel cancer […]

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NHS checks for bowel cancer hit record-high thanks to Dame Deborah

Record numbers of people have come forward for bowel cancer checks thanks to lifesaving awareness raising by Dame Deborah James, the NHS said today. Between the months of May and July, referrals for suspected lower gastro-intestinal cancers reached record levels, with over 170,500 people referred for checks during that period – up over 30,000 compared […]

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