
NHS England publishes interim commissioning policies for non-specialised services

NHS England has today published 37 nationally consistent commissioning policies as part of its role as a direct commissioner for some non-specialised services. The policies, which are interim at this stage, are of particular benefit to the armed forces and health and justice populations as members of these communities, particularly serving armed forces personnel and […]

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National Partnership Agreement for the co-commissioning and delivery of healthcare services in prisons in England

A National Partnership Agreement between NHS England, the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and Public Health England (PHE) has been developed.  It sets out the shared strategic intent and joint commitment in the commissioning, enabling and delivery of healthcare services in adult prisons in England. It sets out: respective roles and objectives of each organisation […]

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Commissioning for Value – a comprehensive data pack to support CCGs

NHS England is committed to giving CCGs practical support in gathering data, evidence and tools to help them transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations. Working with Public Health England and NHS Right Care, NHS England has provided every CCG with a comprehensive data pack to support effective ‘commissioning for value’. […]

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Planning for a sustainable NHS: responding to the ‘call to action’ – letter from Sir David Nicholson

NHS England will issue its planning guidance in December. However, there is lots of critical work that needs to happen before that. Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive, has written out to commissioners to highlight some of the challenges facing the NHS. The letter will help focus people’s attention and thinking regarding the crucial work that […]

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NHS England invites specialised services providers to take part in its innovative new programme ‘Commissioning through Evaluation’

NHS England is inviting specialist hospitals to take part in a new, innovative commissioning approach, aimed at increasing access to services or treatments which are not currently routinely funded by the NHS. The first treatment to benefit, as part of the Commissioning through Evaluation programme, will be Selective Internal Radiotherapy (SIRT), a form of radiotherapy […]

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Transforming Participation in Health and Care, Guidance for Commissioners

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 introduced significant amendments to the NHS Act 2006. This guidance supports two legal duties, requiring clinical commissioning groups and commissioners in NHS England to enable: patients and carers to participate in planning, managing and making decisions about their care and treatment through the services they commission the effective […]

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Fundamental Review of Allocations Policy – workshops to be held in September 2013 to inform future resource allocations

NHS England is currently reviewing the local allocation of resources across the full range of its responsibilities, covering both allocations to CCGs and the budgets available for direct commissioning functions in area teams. As part of the review process, we will be holding four regional workshops for CCGs, CSUs, NHS England and other stakeholders to […]

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