
Next steps on the Clinical Advisory Group’s recommendations for specialised services

The Secretary of State for Health is to consult with the NHS Commissioning Board Authority on the recommendations of the Clinical Advisory Group for Prescribed Services for the commissioning of specialised health services. The Department of Health has announced that Ministers have accepted in full the recommendations of the advisory group and published its report […]

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Procurement of healthcare (clinical) services: Briefings for CCGs

Working with CCGs and others, the NHS Commissioning Board Authority has developed a series of procurement briefings for CCGs that summarise the key elements of legislation and guidance currently governing NHS procurement of healthcare services. These briefings also provide an overview of the different procurement approaches that CCGs may adopt and outlines some of the […]

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Final authorisation decision-making process set out

The CCG authorisation governance process is set to be finalised at the NHS Commissioning Board Authority’s meeting in Newcastle on 20 September. A paper seeks the approval of the Board to further proposals on how the moderation, conditions and decision elements of the CCG authorisation process will operate. A key proposal is to share the […]

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Safeguarding children and adults in the future NHS

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has published interim advice on arrangements to secure children’s and adult safeguarding, which provides additional information, in particular, to emerging clinical commissioning groups.  A covering letter reminds PCTs and SHAs of the vital importance of maintaining appropriate arrangements as the health system goes through transition. The interim advice, with a […]

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Configuration of NHS communications and engagement services agreed

The high level configuration of the fourth set of ‘scale’ commissioning support services – communications and engagement services – has been agreed. Four communications collaboratives will go forward with a lead commissioning support unit (CSU) in each: Communications collaborative Lead CSU North of England West Yorkshire CSU Midlands and East of England Birmingham, Black Country […]

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Two new director appointments to the NHS Commissioning Board

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has announced the appointment of two director posts: Steve Fairman, currently Director of Improvement & Efficiency, NHS South of England has been appointed Director of Improvement, Development and QIPP; and Felicity Cox, currently Chief Executive, NHS Bedfordshire and Luton PCT Cluster, has been appointed Local Area Team Director for Kent […]

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Wave 2 authorisation applications received

The authorisation process for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) is on schedule, with the receipt on 3 September of applications from CCGs in wave 2. All 67 proposed CCGs in the second wave have submitted their applications to the NHS Commissioning Board Authority, which is responsible for supporting the development of CCGs as they move through […]

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New CSU managing director appointed

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has appointed David Stout as Managing Director of Hertfordshire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) and Essex CSU. David is currently Deputy Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation. David will take on the role of Managing Director for both of these organisations from October 2012, and they will continue to be run […]

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Monitor launches consultation on proposed Commissioner Requested Services Guidance

Monitor has today launched the draft Commissioner Requested Services and Protected Services Guidance for consultation. The guidance sets out a process for commissioners to follow to ensure that key NHS services remain available for patients if a provider gets into serious financial difficulty. Commissioner Requested Services are services that will be considered by the commissioner […]

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