
Strategic clinical networks

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority has set out its plan for a small number of national networks to improve health services for specific patient groups or conditions. Called strategic clinical networks, these organisations will build on the success of network activity in the NHS which, over the last 10 years, has led to significant improvements […]

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Appointment of the first local area team directors

The first round of appointments to local area team director posts has been made by the NHS Commissioning Board Authority.  The first 16 of the 25 director posts have been appointed to, as follows: North Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral: Moira Dumma (currently Director of Commissioning Development at NHS Midlands and East SHA Cluster) Merseyside: Clare […]

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Further CSS managing director appointed

A further commissioning support service (CSS) managing director has been appointed by the NHS Commissioning Board Authority. Professor John Parkes will be Managing Director of Greater East Midlands CSS. Professor Parkes was previously Chief Executive of NHS Milton Keynes and NHS Northamptonshire PCT Cluster. At the same time the NHS CBA has confirmed that Ming […]

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Proposals for authorisation conditions and support published

Proposals for the final key elements of the authorisation governance process for CCGs, including the decision-making, moderation, conditions and support processes within the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB), have been published today. The information is in a paper to the NHS Commissioning Board Authority which will be asked to approve the proposals at its board […]

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Board Authority appoints first CSS managing directors and announces decision to host

The first round of appointments to commissioning support service (CSS) managing director posts has been made by the NHS Commissioning Board Authority. Nine appointments have been made, while discussions are ongoing with others. The successful appointees, and their current CSSs, are: Robert Bacon – Birmingham, Black Country and Solihull Commissioning Support Service Stephen Childs – […]

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NHS Commissioning Board Authority recruits Very Senior Managers (VSM)

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority is pleased to announce the following Very Senior Managers (VSM) posts have been recruited to: Commissioning Development Directorate: Rosamond Roughton will be Director for Commissioning Systems and Strategy, responsible for the translation of the NHS Commissioning Board strategy into the development of the commissioning system, and the running of the […]

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CCG clinical leaders invited to join new commissioning assembly

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority Chief Executive David Nicholson and a ‘design group’ of 15 CCG clinical leaders have written to emerging CCG leaders this week to invite one senior clinical lead from each CCG to join a new NHS Commissioning Assembly. The executive team at the Board Authority and the group of CCG leaders […]

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Your chance to work with the NHS to help challenge and shape the health system of the future

Lay Assessors on CCG authorisation panels The NHS Commissioning Board Authority is currently working towards the authorisation of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and would like to work with patients and the public to ensure they are ready to take up their new role from April 2013. CCGs are the new clinically-led and patient-focused organisations who will […]

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