
First CCGs set take on commissioning of GP services

NHS England has approved the first set of GP-led Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) that will take on responsibility for commissioning the majority of GP services from April this year. *64 CCGs across the country have been approved to take on greater ‘delegated’ commissioning responsibility for GP services with the possibility that others may follow. This […]

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NHS England launches new framework for commissioning support services

NHS England has today (Thursday) announced the organisations that have been approved to join the new Commissioning Support Lead Provider Framework, following a rigorous procurement process. The organisations from across the NHS and private sector have successfully met the tough quality and value for money tests to deliver the best support services to Clinical Commissioning […]

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NHS England consults on proposed changes to the commissioning of genetic laboratory services

NHS England has launched a 12-week consultation on proposed changes to the way in which genetic laboratories are commissioned. The proposals aim to deliver services across England which can better meet advances in genomic technologies, whilst driving improvements in quality and patient outcomes. The proposed changes are set out in the new draft service specification, […]

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NHS England publishes allocation of commissioning resources for 2015/16

Following this week’s (17 December) Board meeting, NHS England has today published the clinical commissioning group (CCG) and primary care allocations for 2015-16 and the notional split to CCG level to support the primary care co-commissioning agenda and the notional specialised commissioning balance by CCG for 2015-16. The allocations include the recently announced £1.98bn of […]

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Directors of Commissioning operations in NHS England announced

On 1 October 2014 NHS England announced plans designed, in part, to streamline and align the functions and structures which support the organisation to work more effectively – both nationally and regionally – to minimise duplication and make more effective use of our resources. A single integrated team for each of the current regions has been […]

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Outcome ambitions: Views sought from local commissioners

In Everyone Counts, Planning for Patients 2014/15 – 2018/19, all local NHS commissioners (Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England Area Teams) were asked jointly to plan for improvement in seven areas relating to improving patient outcomes.  This included setting local ‘levels of ambition’ for the outcomes commissioners planned to achieve for the local population. Commissioning […]

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CCGs asked to consider their next steps on primary care co-commissioning

The Next steps towards primary care co-commissioning document has been published today (Monday 10 November). It has been developed by the joint CCG and NHS England primary care co-commissioning programme oversight group in partnership with NHS Clinical Commissioners. The purpose of the document is to give CCGs the opportunity to choose afresh the co-commissioning model […]

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NHS England publishes its commissioning intentions for prescribed specialised services

NHS England has today published details of its commissioning intentions for specialised services for 2015/16. The document, Commissioning Intentions 2015/16 for Prescribed Specialised Services serves as notice to all providers of specialised services in England of changes and priorities for the coming year for the specialised services to be commissioned by NHS England, as well as […]

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NHS England’s Chief Executive celebrates CCG’s achievements

Simon Stevens has praised CCGs for the huge progress they’ve made in their first operational year in a speech to the Commissioning Assembly. Addressing CCG leaders and other health professionals he commended them on how far they’d come on engaging with key stakeholders and patient groups and taking their opinions on board when commissioning healthcare […]

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NHS England’s Specialised Commissioning Oversight Group (SCOG) announces recent decisions

NHS England’s Specialised Commissioning Oversight Group (SCOG) has announced a number of decisions made at its latest meeting. SCOG has operational oversight of specialised commissioning and now, as a result of recent governance changes, receives advice and recommendations from the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG). The group has delegated authority to make decisions on the […]

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