
NHS England funds the evaluation of specialist surgery for more than 100 children a year with cerebral palsy

NHS England has today (17 July) announced it will commission specialist surgery for a number of children with cerebral palsy who have difficulty walking, which could improve their mobility and level of independence. Around 120 children a year could benefit from a procedure called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) as part of NHS England’s innovative Commissioning […]

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Delegates flock to two-day commissioning show

More than 7,000 delegates are gathering in London today for the Commissioning Show. The two-day show at the Excel will see people from all over the country meet to take part in the world-class conference programme that includes CCG Business, Area Team and Your Practice streams. Over 300 speakers will deliver legislation and policy updates, […]

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Technical Guide to Clinical Commissioning Group and Area Team allocations 2014-15 and 2015-16

The Technical Guide to 2014-15 and 2015-16 CCG allocations and primary care allocations to Area Teams has now been published. The technical guide sets out the methodology and actual calculation of the allocations which were agreed at the 17 December 2013 NHS England Board meeting. This documentation covers both the target allocations determined by the formulae […]

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NHS England expands its innovative Commissioning through Evaluation programme

NHS England has expanded its £16.9 million Commissioning through Evaluation programme, to enable more patients to access treatments and technologies which are not currently routinely commissioned by the NHS. Specialist hospitals are being invited to submit expressions of interest to take part in four new schemes. For more details see our Commissioning through Evaluation pages.

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NHS England launches procurement process to accredit the best commissioning support suppliers

NHS England is today launching the start of the process to create a unique  framework agreement for commissioning support services. The lead provider framework will allow Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s), NHS England and others to buy some or all of their commissioning support needs, ranging from non-frontline support services to bespoke services that support local […]

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Securing a health service fit for the future

Eleven financially-challenged health economies in England are to receive expert help with strategic planning in order to secure sustainable quality services for their local patients. Monitor, NHS England and the NHS Trust Development Authority have agreed to fund a series of projects to help groups of commissioners and providers work together to develop integrated five-year […]

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Allocation growth assumptions to support strategic planning

This guidance is intended to support commissioners who are currently developing their 5 years strategic plans. The CCG Allocation Growth Projections 2016/17 to 2018/19 (this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website) sets out some high level planning assumptions that CCGs can use when considering how to project […]

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NHS England’s response to today’s front page story in the Independent

In response to today’s front page story in the Independent, James Palmer, Clinical Director of Specialised Services at NHS England, said: “We are determined to work constructively with patients and to take evidence-based decisions having listened with care to the views of all parties. “It is completely wrong to suggest we are being unduly influenced […]

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CCG Running Costs Allowances 2014/15 & 2015/16

Following the NHS England Board meeting on 17 December 2013, we have now published CCG running cost allowances for 2014-15 and indicative running cost allowances for 2015/16 for planning purposes. The figures outlined here in the running costs translate to per head allowances of £24.73 (2014-2015) and £22.07 (2015-2016). A letter regarding CCG running costs […]

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