
NHS vaccinates one million 12 to 15-year-olds

More than one million 12 to 15-year-olds in England have been vaccinated against COVID-19, as the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme continues to visit hundreds of schools every week. So far, more than 3,500 schools have hosted clinics, while 95% of all schools have either already been visited or have a visit planned in the coming […]

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Booster bookings boom as one million book life-saving jab in three days

More than one million booster jabs have been booked in the last three days as the NHS vaccination programme continues its drive to protect the most vulnerable from coronavirus this winter. Around 356,000 boosters were booked this morning alone (midnight to midday) – around nine times more than last Monday morning when 38,600 appointments were […]

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NHS to invite three million more people to get vital booster jab

The NHS will be inviting another three million people who will become eligible for their booster next week as the life-saving NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme continues to protect those most at risk from the virus. For the first time, the NHS will be inviting those who had their second dose more than five months ago […]

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Walk-in sites open up for people to get COVID-19 booster jab

Hundreds of walk-in sites across the country are now offering booster vaccines as the NHS ‘Grab-a-Jab’ campaign returns, making it even easier for people who are eligible to get their top-up jab. In just over six weeks since the lifesaving NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme began delivering boosters, more than six million people have had their […]

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