
Health and social care leaders set out plans to transform people’s health and improve services using technology

Radical new plans to improve health outcomes and the quality of patient care through digital technology and innovation have been unveiled by national health and social care organisations today. Established by the Department of Health and chaired by NHS England’s National Director for Patients and Information, Tim Kelsey, the National Information Board has set out […]

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CCGs to help develop programme

The Care.Data Programme closed in 2016 GP-led clinical commissioning groups in four areas of the country are to help develop the programme as it moves into a ‘pathfinder stage’. The programme will be rolled out in participating GP surgeries in the CCG areas of Leeds North, West and South and East, Somerset, West Hampshire and […]

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Sir Bruce calls for support for technology enabled care services programme

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh has outlined NHS England’s plans for further developing Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS). In a letter written to around 250 key stakeholders, NHS England’s National Medical Director calls on them to support the programme that takes the NHS into a new and exciting technological era that will help empower patients and […]

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A new comparison website tool has been published that allows health and social care organisations to see how their services compare with those of others. MyNHS is a transparency web tool that compares on a range of outcomes at both national and regional level. It has been developed by NHS England, together with the Department […]

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NHS Trusts get another chance to apply for £500 million of tech fund cash, as phase 2 is launched

The second wave of the £500 million ‘Integrated Digital Care Fund’, (formerly the ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards Technology Fund’), opens to applications today. NHS Trusts, and now Local Authorities, can apply for part of £240 million of funding to digitise and integrate patient information across the health and care sector, driving improvements in patient care. […]

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The future of NHS England’s Choose and Book programme

NHS England today clarified the future of its Choose and Book programme, following an article in the Observer newspaper at the weekend. Beverley Bryant, Director of Strategic Systems and Technology for NHS England explained the contract on Choose and Book – introduced in 2004 as a national electronic appointment booking service that provides patients with […]

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Panel calls for data revolution

The Care.Data Programme closed in 2016 The second day of the Health and Care Innovation Expo got off to a lively start with in the spotlight once again. Tim Kelsey, Director for Patients and Information for NHS England kicked off the packed session by setting out his vision for the future NHS. Kelsey said, […]

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