
Patients to get faster access to the most cost effective treatments under proposed changes to NICE process

Proposed changes to the way NICE appraises new treatments could see patients benefiting from the most cost effective treatments nearly three months faster than is currently the case. The proposals announced today, which are part of a joint consultation by NICE and NHS England, would see the introduction of a ‘fast track’ option for appraising […]

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12 NHS Hospital trusts to trail blaze NHS’s Digital Revolution

NHS England responds to Independent Review Twelve NHS hospital trusts have been selected to trail blaze new ways of using digital technology to drive radical improvements in the care of patients. Known as “digital exemplars”, they will each receive up to £10 million from NHS England in a bid to inspire a digital revolution across […]

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NHS Innovation Accelerator success has led to more than 300 organisations offering innovative healthcare to NHS patients

This week 17 top healthcare innovators celebrated success following a year of support from the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA); which aims to improve patients’ lives through fast tracking cutting-edge, low cost innovations to the forefront of the NHS. During the first year of the programme the 17 NIA Fellows have taken their innovations – ranging […]

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