NHS Improvement

NHS hospitals provided more care, more efficiently, while delivering improved finances in last quarter

NHS hospitals in England provided more urgent treatment and routine operations than ever before last year. Despite the pressure of demand, the provider sector continued to improve quality and achieved one of the best financial performances in recent years. Statistics on the performance of the NHS published today show Emergency Departments (EDs) treated or discharged […]

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New clinically-led review of NHS access standards

Proposed clinical improvements aim to deliver rapid assessment and treatment for patients with the most serious conditions — and expand short waits for millions more NHS patients. NHS National Medical Director Professor Stephen Powis announced the proposals, which have been developed by some of the country’s leading clinicians, working with local health leaders and patient […]

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Highly experienced trust Chief Executive to lead development of NHS workforce implementation plan

Julian Hartley, a highly experienced leader, who is currently Chief Executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, has been asked to lead the new workforce implementation plan for the NHS. Julian has been asked to lead this important piece of work by our Chair Baroness Dido Harding, following the publication of the NHS Long Term Plan last […]

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