Nursing, midwifery and care

NHS Digital launches e-nursing week campaign

NHS Digital has today launched its first ever e-nursing week in support of the campaign for a digital-ready workforce. It comes as it also endorses the Royal College of Nursing’s campaign “Every nurse an e-nurse”, and pledges to play a supporting role in realising its ambition. It is estimated that in many settings nurses provide […]

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Chief nurse to lead NHS England’s London team

NHS England has today announced that the country’s Chief Nurse, Professor Jane Cummings, will take charge of the London region until a permanent Regional Director is recruited. Anne Rainsberry, the current Regional Director will step down from her role in the autumn, Professor Cummings will lead the London region from 18 September. Jane will continue […]

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Expo spotlights nursing for the future

Professor Jane Cummings has said this year’s Health and Care Innovation Expo will highlight how nursing leadership can transform care of the future. Writing in a blog today, the Chief Nursing Officer for England explains how “nursing, midwifery and care staff, whatever their role, wherever they work can all lead change and add value across […]

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10 point plan sets out actions to deliver General Practice Nursing workforce for the future

England’s Chief Nursing Officer has today launched a ten point action plan to recognise and develop the roles that general practice nurses have which transform care and can help deliver the plan to make the NHS fit for the future. Developing confidence, capability and capacity – the ten point action plan for General Practice Nursing […]

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Send us your compassionate care award entries!

The call has gone out for more entries for this year’s Kate Granger Compassionate Care Awards. The Chief Nursing Officer for England, Professor Jane Cummings, urged people to nominate colleagues and teams, while also revealing the entry closing date has been extended to 10 July. She said: “We have seen a series of high profile […]

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Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View: England’s Chief Nurse announces ‘Nurse First’ to attract the best and brightest graduates to nursing

Chief Nursing Officer for England, Professor Jane Cummings, has today announced a new fast track ‘Nurse First’ programme to attract high achieving graduates into a career in nursing. The NHS in 2020 will be treating increasing numbers of people and caring for an ageing population with more complex needs and so attracting and keeping staff […]

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England’s Chief Nurse looks to the future

Professor Jane Cummings calls on the country’s nursing and midwifery staff to take a leading role as the NHS adapts to meet the needs of today’s population. Speaking to the country’s most senior nursing, midwifery and care leaders, Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England (CNO), will today outline the challenges the profession will […]

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Professor Jane Cummings, the Chief Nursing Officer for England, sets the record straight on the future of nursing

Nursing and midwifery have changed dramatically since the days of Florence Nightingale and I am proud of what we as professions have achieved and continue to achieve. Today there are more than half a million registered nurses and midwives in England with 50,000 working out of hospital in care homes and the care sector. Alongside […]

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NHS unites to tackle sepsis

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England Medical Director, has issued a rallying call to healthcare professionals across the country to focus on improving early recognition and timely treatment of sepsis. At an event in London last night and ahead of a major new public awareness campaign delivered in collaboration with the UK Sepsis Trust, he […]

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