Patient care

NHS’s £160 million ‘accelerator sites’ to tackle waiting lists

The NHS has today announced a £160 million initiative to tackle waiting lists and develop a blueprint for elective recovery as early reports show the health service is recovering faster after the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Indicators suggest operations and other elective activity were already at four fifths of pre-pandemic levels in April, […]

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NHS sets out COVID-19 recovery plan for patient care and staff wellbeing

The NHS is accelerating the delivery of operations and other non-urgent services as part of a £8.1 billion plan to help the health service recover all patient services following the intense winter wave of COVID. The money, which is set out in the NHS Operational Planning Guidance published today, will also fund more support for […]

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NHS statement on Spending Review funding announcement

Below is a comment from the NHS on today’s announcement by the government of funding for the health service. NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens said: “As well as caring for seriously ill and vulnerable coronavirus patients, our hardworking nurses, doctors, therapists and other NHS staff are looking after many other patients, some of whose care […]

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NHS to offer ‘long covid’ sufferers help at specialist centres

People suffering ‘long covid’ symptoms will be offered specialist help at clinics across England, the head of the NHS announced today. Respiratory consultants, physiotherapists, other specialists and GPs will all help assess, diagnose and treat thousands of sufferers who have reported symptoms ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue, “brain fog”, anxiety and stress. Increasing medical evidence […]

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