Patient care

Commitment to Carers – improving carer health and wellbeing

NHS England has published the Integrated approach to identifying and assessing Carer health and wellbeing. Developed in collaboration with a wide range of partners and which forms part of NHS England’s ongoing Commitment to Carers. The ‘integrated approach’ provides a toolkit that clarifies the new duties on NHS organisations under the Care Act 2014 and […]

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NHS England backs innovative care initiative

NHS England has today announced a £1.75m investment in an innovative family-based initiative to help more people to be cared for in a home, not a hospital. The Shared Lives model will support people who have needs which make it hard for them to live on their own, by carefully matching them with a carer […]

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The NHS Benchmarking Network is organising the 2016 National Audit for Intermediate Care

This is an annual data collection, now in its fifth year.  The purpose of the audit is to improve intermediate care services for older people by providing benchmarked information on service models, spend, activity, workforce and, importantly, outcomes.  It has been highly successful in previous years and CCGs and providers of intermediate care services are […]

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Health service embracing innovation as NHS England announces major trials to improve patient care

Older patients and people with long term conditions and mental health problems will be among the first to benefit from a major new drive to modernise how the NHS delivers care. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos today (Friday 22), NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens will launch the first wave of NHS […]

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Patient Choice Unit engagement events

The Patient Choice Unit is holding a series of engagement events to test out a toolkit to support the delivery of patient choice. The toolkit will enable commissioners, providers and referrers to reflect and assess themselves on how they are delivering patient choice within their locality, providing examples of good practice and lessons learnt to […]

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NHS England specialised commissioning Patient and Public Voice (PPV) partner/Lay member opportunities

NHS England is committed to ensuring that public and patient voices are at the centre of shaping our healthcare services. Every level of our commissioning system needs to be informed by insightful methods of listening to those who use and care about our services to inform service development. There are a range of opportunities for […]

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Fire as a health asset? Or a health necessity?

A new partnership has been established between NHS England and the Fire and Rescue Services (FRS), to use their collective capabilities and resources more effectively to enhance the lives of older people and those with complex conditions. Working together with Public Health England, the Chief Fire Officers Association, the Local Government Association and Age UK, […]

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NHS England statement on Tunisia

Professor Chris Moran, NHS England National Clinical Director for Trauma Care and the senior doctor who coordinated the medical repatriation from Tunisian hospitals of the of those British casualties with the most severe injuries says: “Having now spoken to my surgical and critical care colleagues in the major trauma centres across England who have received […]

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NHS111 plans for the future

Simplifying the patient journey and improving the patient experience are among the key priorities for NHS111. Dr Ossie Rawstorne, National Medical Adviser to NHS111, said as well as these aims, the ambition was for “the patient experience to be consistently good across the entire system”. Speaking at the NHS111 Focus on Futures event held in […]

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