Primary care

NHS England appoints senior clinicians and frontline leaders to drive next phase of Five Year Forward View implementation

NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens has today announced the appointment of three frontline NHS leaders to strengthen NHS England’s work on primary care, drive improved cancer services, and lead the commissioning of specialised hospital services. Announcing these appointments in a speech at the Kings Fund, Simon Stevens said: “These exceptionally high calibre new appointments […]

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NHS Trust Chief Executive and GP leader appointed to support local NHS in developing new Forward View care models

NHS England, Monitor and TDA on behalf of the six national NHS bodies who led the development of the NHS Five Year Forward View have today appointed two experienced national leaders to support implementation of the new care models identified in the Forward View. Samantha Jones, Chief Executive of Watford, St Albans and Hemel Hempstead […]

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NHS England publishes allocation of commissioning resources for 2015/16

Following this week’s (17 December) Board meeting, NHS England has today published the clinical commissioning group (CCG) and primary care allocations for 2015-16 and the notional split to CCG level to support the primary care co-commissioning agenda and the notional specialised commissioning balance by CCG for 2015-16. The allocations include the recently announced £1.98bn of […]

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NHS Number Programme – Survey Results published

NHS England has today published the NHS Number Survey Report, a national baseline report across all Trusts on their use of the NHS Number when sharing information for direct care. The recent “Framework for Action” report outlined the importance of the NHS Number and this survey has enabled NHS England to build, for the first […]

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Summary Care Record hits 40 million milestone

A milestone 40 million patients now have a Summary Care Record and health professionals are using them to improve and speed up patient care every 30 seconds. NHS England is delighted by the achievement and is now focusing on rolling it out in A&E, NHS 111, and GP out-of-hours services. Usage of the SCR is […]

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NHS England launches the NHS Number survey for all Trusts

Today NHS England launched a survey on the uptake and use of the NHS Number as the primary patient identifier aimed at Trusts across all services. The survey – the first of its kind – will enable NHS England to create a comprehensive picture by Trusts across England of use of the NHS Number in […]

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Local health professionals to get more power to improve NHS primary care

Stevens announces new option for local Clinical Commissioning Groups to co-commission primary care in partnership with NHS England. England’s 211 clinically-led local Clinical Commissioning Groups will get new powers to improve local health services under a new commissioning initiative  announced today by NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens. Speaking to GPs and other NHS health […]

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