Patient safety

Standardising the early identification of Acute Kidney Injury

A patient safety alert has been issued today (9 June 2014) by NHS England on standardising the early identification of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). The alert has been issued to all NHS acute trusts and foundation trusts providing pathology services. A national algorithm, standardising the definition of AKI has now been agreed. This provides the […]

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Six-monthly patient safety incident data shows incident reporting in the NHS continues to improve

NHS England today welcomed the publication of six-monthly data on patient safety incidents reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) between 1 April and 30 September 2013. The data shows the NHS is continuing to get better at recognising and reporting patient safety incidents. Acute hospitals, mental health services, community trusts, ambulance services […]

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Residual anaesthetic drugs in cannulae and intravenous lines

A patient safety alert has been issued today (14 April 2014) by NHS England on residual anaesthetic drugs in cannulae and intravenous lines leading to cardiac or respiratory arrest. Patient safety alert: full residual anaesthetic drugs in cannulae and intravenous lines The alert has been issued to all NHS services hospitals and community services in […]

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Patient safety alert on minimising risks of omitted and delayed medicines for patients receiving homecare services

A patient safety alert has been issued today (10 April 2014) by NHS England on minimising risks of omitted and delayed medicines for patients receiving homecare services. This alert has been issued via the Central Alerting System (CAS) to all NHS healthcare organisations that commission clinical homecare services. You can read the full ‘Minimising risks […]

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