Patient safety

Resources to support safe transition from the Luer connector to NRFit™ for intrathecal and epidural procedures, and delivery of regional blocks

A resource alert has been issued to support providers to safely manage the transition from the Luer connector to NRFit™ for intrathecal and epidural procedures, and delivery of regional blocks. Resources to support safe transition from the Luer connector to NRFit™ for intrathecal and epidural procedures, and delivery of regional blocks Supporting information for Patient […]

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Supporting safer care for full-term babies

A resource alert has been issued to support NHS providers to reduce harm leading to avoidable admissions of full-term babies. Resources to support safer care for full-term babies We’ve produced a resource to support staff in preventing avoidable admissions of full-term babies. It is a priority for the NHS to reduce avoidable harm that can lead to […]

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Risk of death and severe harm from error with injectable phenytoin

A patient safety alert has been issued on the safe use of injectable phenytoin. Risk of death and severe harm from error with injectable phenytoin Injectable phenytoin is used to slow and stabilise erratic electrical brain activity in, for example, status epilepticus, which is a life-threatening medical emergency. It is a particularly complicated drug to […]

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Reducing the risk of oxygen tubing being connected to air flowmeters

A stage three alert has been issued to support NHS providers that supply medical air using medical gas pipeline systems (MGPSs) to reduce the risk of harm from oxygen tubing being connected to air flowmeters. Reducing the risk of oxygen tubing being connected to air flowmeters Supporting information for patient safety alert: Reducing the risk […]

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Restricted use of open systems for injectable medication

A stage three alert has been issued on the restricted use of open systems for injectable medication. Open systems include gallipots or other types of open container such as moulded plastic procedure trays. Restricted use of open systems for injectable medication This alert has been issued to stop the use of open systems for injectable […]

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CQC inspections uncover concerns at Marie Stopes International clinics

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and NHS England are working with Marie Stopes International to make sure that patients are protected from potential harm when undergoing pregnancy terminations. Following CQC’s inspections of Marie Stopes International’s services and its corporate headquarters in England, the regulator has raised concerns about the provider’s corporate and clinical governance arrangements […]

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