Specialised commissioning

NHS England seeks Chair appointments to key advisory groups

NHS England has launched the recruitment for Chair positions for both its Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG) and its Rare Diseases Advisory Group (RDAG). CPAG is responsible for making recommendations regarding those services which NHS England is directly responsible for commissioning, whilst RDAG will make recommendations about which highly specialised services or technologies should be […]

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NHS England publishes its response to consultation on specialised service specifications and commissioning policies

NHS England has published its response, Consultation on Specialised Services Specifications and Commissioning Policies 2013/14: Summary and Response from NHS England (document is available on out archived website), to consultation earlier this year on the service specifications and commissioning policies which support its specialised commissioning function. The consultation, which ran from December 2012 to February […]

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Clinical Priorities Advisory Group and Rare Diseases Reference Group seek patient and public voice representatives

NHS England is advertising for patient and public voice (PPV) representatives to join two senior clinical advisory groups. The Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG) is seeking four PPV members to join this NHS England Board sub-committee. Its scope includes all directly commissioned services of NHS England. The Group’s core role is to make formal recommendations […]

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NHS England launches recruitment for Specialised Commissioning Medicines Optimisation Clinical Reference Group

NHS England has today started recruitment to the latest addition to its specialised commissioning Clinical Reference Group (CRG) structure. The Specialised Commissioning Medicines Optimisation CRG will work across all 74 service-specific CRGs. One of its key roles, working with experts from around the country, will be to ensure that the systems and levers currently in […]

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NHS England publishes interim specifications for specialised commissioning

NHS England has today published the interim specifications it has adopted for the commissioning of specialised services. The new service specifications, along with clinical commissioning policies, were the subject of a short, public consultation which ran from mid-December 2012 to February 2013. NHS England received more than 3,500 responses from individual patients, carers, patient groups, and […]

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Specialised health services clinical reference groups: Patient and carer member recruitment – second wave

NHS England has opened the second wave of recruitment for patient and carer members of its Clinical Reference Groups for 2013/14. For a full list of CRGs who are still recruiting members please follow the link below. CRGs are responsible for providing NHS England with clinical advice regarding specialised services, and for promoting equity of […]

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Dedicated web pages launched for 74 specialised services Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs)

NHS England has today launched a series of web pages dedicated to each of the 74 specialised services Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs). CRGs cover the full range of specialised services and are responsible for providing NHS England with clinical advice regarding these directly commissioned services. The CRGs are made up of clinicians, commissioners, Public Health […]

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