Urgent and emergency care

NHS launches new collaboration to sustain and improve local hospitals

The NHS today (20 May) invites expressions of interest from hospitals across England interested in developing new ways of delivering and improving their local acute services. The aim is to enhance the viability of local hospitals through new formal shared working arrangements between clinical specialists at different hospitals, and to improve efficiency by sharing back […]

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Sir Bruce revisits pioneering new Emergency Care Hospital

Sir Bruce Keogh has paid a return visit to Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital as the impressive £75million development prepares to open this summer. NHS England’s National Medical Director met some of the doctors and nurses who have helped design the hospital and who will be caring for seriously ill or injured patients from North […]

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New pilots to improve speed and medical accuracy of ambulance calls

The NHS has today announced two new pilots that aim to reduce wasted ambulance journeys and improve the quality of care for all patients contacting 999. The proposal has been recommended by doctors and the ambulance service and agreed following expert advice from senior clinical experts at NHS England. This clinical advice has been published today. For the most serious calls, where every second counts, […]

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NHS England’s response to media coverage on NHS 111

Responding to the media coverage today (14 January 2015) on NHS 111, Professor Keith Willett, NHS England’s Director for Acute Care, said: “NHS111 is doing an excellent job in terms of protecting both A&E and ambulance services from unnecessary attendances and call outs. “Doctors and nurses in A&E work incredibly hard to provide patients with […]

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Professional Guidance on the Structure and Content of Ambulance Records

New guidance describing the clinical professional standards for the structure and content of ambulance patient records: “Professional Guidance on the Structure and Content of Ambulance Records” is published today.  The guidance was commissioned by NHS England from the Health and Social Care Information Centre and produced by the Royal College of Physicians Health Informatics Unit.

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Patients reporting better experience of A&E

Patients are having a better overall experience at A&E departments a survey published today by the CQC has shown. Of the 40,000 patients who responded to the survey, relating to January to March 2014, the majority rated their overall experience as good with 80 per cent rating their visit at least seven out of ten. […]

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Update on Urgent and Emergency Care Review

Today NHS England has published an update on the Urgent and Emergency Care Review, which builds on NHS England’s future vision for urgent and emergency care in Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England. Urgent and Emergency Care Review End of Phase 1 Report. This work will make it easier  for patients to get […]

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