Urgent and emergency care

Urgent and emergency care in London

The NHS in London is responding to patient and staff concern at the dip in A&E performance in spring 2013, by focussing on ways to improve the responsiveness of services to those who need them by improving waiting times at A&E, and by improving how community services respond to ensure that patients are seen and treated quickly […]

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Keogh review update

Details of the Keogh Review into the Quality of Care and Transparent Treatment by 14 Hospital Trusts in England have been published. In a statement to the House of Commons today, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, gave the background to the independent review undertaken by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s Medical Director. The findings of […]

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Statement from Professor Keith Willett, National Director for Acute Episodes of care, NHS England, on NHS England’s Review of Urgent and Emergency Care

I welcome the opportunity to appear before the Health Select Committee to lay out the evidence  behind NHS England’s Review of Urgent and Emergency Care. Together with senior colleagues Professor Sir Bruce Keogh and Dame Barbara Hakin, we are not only taking our message to Parliament and talking to MPs, but this is also a chance […]

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NHS England gives further detail of assurances needed for children’s heart surgery to restart next week

NHS England today gave further details of the assurances that are being sought to enable Leeds Hospital to restart children’s heart surgery next week. It stressed the Trust’s decision to pause surgery was a prudent, precautionary step. Since then a review, which started last week, has been look in detail into: mortality outcome data and […]

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