
Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View: England’s Chief Nurse announces ‘Nurse First’ to attract the best and brightest graduates to nursing

Chief Nursing Officer for England, Professor Jane Cummings, has today announced a new fast track ‘Nurse First’ programme to attract high achieving graduates into a career in nursing. The NHS in 2020 will be treating increasing numbers of people and caring for an ageing population with more complex needs and so attracting and keeping staff […]

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NHS England publishes latest staff survey results

The 2016 NHS Staff Survey is published today showing another year of improvements, with NHS staff engagement scores at their highest level in five years. The survey was carried out between September and December 2016 across 316 NHS organisations garnering 423,000 staff responses, an increase of 124,000 more people participating than last year.  This takes […]

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New NHS leadership framework – Developing people improving care

NHS England and NHS Improvement have been working with the other health Arms Length Bodies (ALBs) to develop the new NHS leadership framework – Developing people improving care. This is an evidence-based national framework to guide action on improvement skill-building, leadership development and talent management for people in NHS-funded roles. Read more about the framework […]

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Flu fighters urged to roll up their sleeves

The Chief Nursing Officer for England has today called on NHS staff to back the week-long #jabathon flu campaign. Professor Jane Cummings explained that as well as protecting themselves against flu, NHS staff would also be helping to protect the patients they come into contact with on a daily basis against the potentially deadly virus. […]

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Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) sign up to NHS England’s Workforce Race Equality Standard

The ambulance service in England has pledged its commitment to NHS England’s Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) in a renewed effort to address racial inequality across ambulance trusts. The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) represents all 10 English NHS ambulance trusts, partners and associate members from devolved nations. Each trust will now focus on four […]

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NHS unites to tackle sepsis

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England Medical Director, has issued a rallying call to healthcare professionals across the country to focus on improving early recognition and timely treatment of sepsis. At an event in London last night and ahead of a major new public awareness campaign delivered in collaboration with the UK Sepsis Trust, he […]

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New measures to support whistleblowers in primary care

NHS England is today confirming the steps it is taking to make it easier for primary care staff to raise their concerns so that action can be taken and improvements made. New whistleblowing guidance has been drawn up following a five-week consultation with staff working in primary care.  The guidance comes after Sir Robert Francis […]

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EU are all highly valued – Professor Jane Cummings

The Chief Nursing Officer for England moves to settle any unrest among EU colleagues following the Brexit vote: The outcome of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union has, understandably, raised a number of questions about what this will mean for people from the EU currently employed in Britain. I wanted to take […]

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