
Taking pride in equality, diversity and inclusion

NHS England will be represented at a series of Pride events this summer, starting with London Pride this weekend. This is first time that members of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) staff network, together with their straight ally colleagues, friends and families, will march representing the organisation. The move marks a celebration […]

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Working Together – how health, social care and fire and rescue services can increase their reach, scale and impact through joint working

Work by the fire and rescue services to help reduce demand for other services through prevention, including health and social care, is being showcased in a new document ‘Working Together’. Underlying risk factors that ultimately result in fires, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, also have a strong impact on health. Fire and rescue services […]

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NHS England publishes latest staff survey results

The NHS 2015 Staff Survey is published today and shows significant improvements in a number of key areas despite the rising demands on staff and services. The survey was carried out between September and December 2015 across 297 NHS organisations. 299,000 staff responses were gathered, approximately a quarter of the permanent NHS workforce in England, […]

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Junior Doctors Contract – statement from NHS England

Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of NHS England, said: “Junior doctors play a critical role in the NHS, work incredibly hard in high pressure roles, and have a range of legitimate non-pay concerns about their training. These now have to be comprehensively addressed by hospitals, the medical royal colleges, and the national training bodies. But […]

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Help the NHS charity choir get to number 1 this Christmas

NHS England is urging everyone in the UK to get behind a campaign to help the NHS reach number one in the charts this Christmas while supporting healthcare charities at the same time. “A Bridge Over You” performed by Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust’s choir celebrates the work of NHS staff across the country. The […]

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NHS England response to the industrial action ballot by the BMA

An NHS England spokesperson said: “In the light of the junior doctors industrial action ballot result, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical Director of NHS England, has today written to the BMA seeking formal assurances that no action will be taken that will endanger patient safety and urgent and emergency care. “NHS hospitals and other […]

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Allied Health Professionals can help build a healthier NHS

A new review from the British Dietetic Association (BDA) on building a healthy workforce is being backed by NHS England’s Chief Allied Health Professions (AHP) Officer. And Suzanne Rastrick today called on the AHP workforce to engage in the delivery of a £5million initiative to improve the health of NHS staff. The BDA’s white paper […]

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