
NHS staff survey 2014 results published

NHS England has today published the results of the 2014 NHS Staff Survey. The survey collects the experiences and opinions of NHS staff on a range of matters such as job satisfaction, wellbeing and raising concerns. The annual survey saw over 255,000 responses from staff including doctors, nurses, healthcare assistants, ambulance workers and non-clinical employees. […]

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Compassion in care campaign hits new milestone

NHS England’s Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Jane Cummings has praised the “Hello My Name Is…” campaign started by terminally ill Dr Kate Granger. The CNO spoke out as it was revealed that more than 100 NHS organisations have now signed up to the social media campaign launched by the 31-year-old hospital consultant. Dr Granger started […]

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Sir Bruce Keogh, Jane Cummings and Dr Bob Winter send a personal message to frontline staff about Ebola

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical Director; Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer; and Dr Bob Winter, National Clinical Director for Emergency Preparedness have published an important personal message to frontline staff reminding them of the need to be mindful and vigilant of Ebola when patients present to NHS services. Read the message here.

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NHS to provide urgent care to the children of Gaza

NHS England has today (Saturday) announced that a team of NHS doctors and nurses are on their way to help the hundreds of people affected by the deepening crisis in Gaza. The first 14-strong team will be made up of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and paramedics from the specialities of emergency medicine, orthopaedic trauma and plastic […]

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NHS takes action to tackle race inequality across the workforce

The NHS Equality and Diversity Council today announced action to ensure employees from black and ethnic minority (BME) backgrounds have equal access to career opportunities and fair treatment in the workplace. The move follows recent reports which have highlighted disparities in the number of BME people in senior leadership positions across the NHS, as well as lower levels of wellbeing amongst the BME population. The Council has pledged its commitment, subject to consultation […]

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NHS England publishes staffing data

The NHS take another step forward in its commitment to openness and transparency today as nurse, midwife and care staffing data down to ward level is published for the first time. The information is available in one place on a new safety section on NHS choices alongside a range of other information including safety reporting, infection control, blood […]

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Publishing of Staffing Data

NHS England Yesterday issued a letter to Trusts about doing a stock take of progress against commitments regarding the publishing of staffing data. This follows guidance issued by NHS England and the Care Quality Commission on 31 March 2014.  The guidance outlined a number of milestones for this first phase, focusing on all inpatient areas including […]

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Guidance issued on Hard Truths commitments regarding the publishing of staffing data

NHS England and the Care Quality Commission have issued joint guidance to Trusts on the delivery of the ‘Hard Truths’ commitments associated with publishing staffing data regarding nursing, midwifery and care staff levels. The guidance has been issued by Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, and Professor Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, […]

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NHS staff survey published

NHS England today publishes the results of the 2013 NHS Staff Survey which was carried out between September and December 2013. Over 265 NHS organisations and twice as many staff as last year (203,000) responded. Key findings include: Staff engagement: The survey includes a basket of indicators designed to measure staff engagement which is key […]

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