
NHS Digital and NHS England complete merger

NHS England and NHS Digital have today legally merged in the first step towards creating a new, single organisation to lead the NHS in England to deliver high-quality services for all. The move brings the NHS’ national data and technology expertise into one organisation, creating a closer link between the collection and analysis of data […]

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Lead NHS vaccine nurse and frontline staff among health service honours

Dozens of NHS staff have been recognised in this year’s New Year Honours list ahead of the health service’s 75th birthday. The honours have been awarded to an array of NHS staff including front line doctors and nurses, hospital volunteers and leaders in the world beating Covid vaccination programme. Leading nurse, Jennifer Hall, director of […]

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NHS staff help patients pay tribute to the Queen

Hundreds of thousands of NHS staff working over the Bank Holiday will help patients mark Queen Elizabeth II funeral in hospitals across England. Urgent and emergency services will continue to be available on the Bank Holiday, including urgent dental and GP appointments, to enable the public to access NHS services the way they do every […]

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NHS sets out package of measures to boost capacity ahead of winter

The NHS will today set out steps to rapidly boost capacity and resilience, including through increasing bed availability and staff numbers, ahead of the busy winter period. Health chiefs will outline plans to prepare local services for additional pressure, by creating the equivalent of 7,000 more beds through a mixture of new hospital beds, ‘virtual […]

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