COVID monitoring reporting and publication dashboard FDP product privacy notice

Name of product

COVID Monitoring, Reporting and Publication Dashboard
Civil Contingencies Secretariat Commission (CCS) and Trust Level Admissions Export

Broad description of product

This Product produces a Covid Monitoring, Reporting and Publication Dashboard and includes tools to assure the data used within the Dashboard and a set of publication files.

The aim of this Product is to:

  • combine Anonymous Aggregated and Operational Data collected in three separate operational data collections (called “SitReps”) from NHS Trusts by NHS England as part of the response to COVID-19, and
  • allow authorised NHS England users of the Product to understand the impact of COVID-19 within hospitals and prepare publications about this.

Use case

Elective Recovery

Controllers who use this product

NHS England is responsible for the data processed in this Product.

The purpose for processing your personal data

No Personal Data is processed in this Product in the national Instance of FDP. Only Aggregated and Operational Data, which is Anonymous data is analysed in the Product and is made available to authorised NHS England analytical users.

The Product allows NHS England to understand the total numbers of COVID-19 patients in hospital, as well as supporting indicators like staff absence and COVID-19 admissions. The Product enables NHS England to create publications on its website about COVID-19.

Legal grounds for processing personal data in FPD and sharing it (if applicable)

The data processed in this Product is Anonymous Aggregated and Operational Data, it is not Personal Data.

There is therefore no processing of Personal Data by NHS England within this Product.

Type of data processed and categories of data

Anonymous – Aggregated and Operational Data

The data processed in this Product does not contain any Personal Data as it is Anonymous Aggregated and Operational Data.

The types of data processed include the total numbers of patients in hospital with COVID-19 and the proportion of hospital beds occupied by patients with COVID-19.

Who is processing your personal data on behalf of the controller

No Personal Data is being Processed by Data Platform Contractor, Palantir Technologies UK, LTD

No Personal Data is being processed by the PET Contractor, IQVIA LTD.

Who your data is shared with

The dashboards are only accessible to analysts within NHS England.

Your rights under UKGDP

As there is no Personal Data being processed for within this Product the rights under UK GDPR do not apply.

Other opt outs

As there is no Personal Data being processed within this Product neither the National Data Opt Out nor the Type 1 Opt Out apply.

Last updated date: 21 March 2024