Palliative and end of life care network

Overarching aim

The palliative and end of life care network provides strategic leadership and expert clinical support to integrated care boards and providers of palliative and end of life care in the East of England.

The network is focused on a number of local priorities, as well as supporting the national palliative and end of life care strategy and the NHS long term plan.

Key contacts

  • Clinical lead – vacant
  • Network manager – Bev Pickett

To contact the team please email:

The NHS long term plan (LTP) published in 2019 committed the NHS to introducing proactive and personalised care and support planning for everyone identified as being in their last year of life, to improve their end of life care.

It also specifically considered children and young people’s end of life care.

To support delivery of the NHS long term plan, the palliative and end of life care delivery plan for 2022 – 2025 was developed by the national palliative and end of life care team, with three key strategic priorities:

  • improving access;
  • improving quality; and
  • improving sustainability

In addition to this, the Health and Care Act 2022 includes an amendment to clause 16 which explicitly references palliative care as a service or facility that integrated care boards have a duty to commission as they consider appropriate, as part of the local health service.

The aims of network are:

  • Through clinical leadership, enabling outstanding clinical care to ensure PEoLC is personalised for all ages in all settings, focused on the three PEoLC delivery plan strategic priorities of improving access, improving quality and improving sustainability.
  • Enable working across ICSs and sub-regional footprints, creating opportunities for economies of scale and improving access for patients of all ages, e.g. 24/7 access.
  • To reduce health inequalities within PEoLC, improving equity of access and outcomes for underserved populations.
  • Combine the experience of clinicians, multi-disciplinary working, the input of people with lived experience and clinical leadership, to improve the delivery of care to patients of all ages, delivering true integration across primary, secondary, and often tertiary care.
  • Connect and collaborate with system-level networks, e.g. children and young people, dementia, frailty, long-term conditions and cancer to ensure the PEoLC strategic clinical networks work with ICSs to deliver high quality personalised PEoLC for all in all settings.

Key Documents

Useful resources

Below are a list of publications and resources on palliative and end of life care that we hope you will find useful: