Cardiovascular Disease and Respiratory Networks (including Diabetes)

The Cardiovascular Disease and Respiratory (CVDR) Networks, together with the Diabetes Network, support the full pathways of care across a range of long-term conditions across the East of England region.

The CVDR Networks provide leadership and focus by bringing together multi-professional stakeholders from all providers and commissioners.

Our ambition is to seek regional solutions to common issues and provide the foundations for these pathways, as well as looking at better ways to support patients at home and optimise their treatment and outcomes.

The broad aims of the Networks are to:

  • Improve sustainable outcomes in population health and healthcare
  • Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access
  • Enhance quality of care for patients
  • Increase productivity and value for money
  • Help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.


This family of Networks comprises of:

  • Cardiac Clinical Network – which includes prevention, rehabilitation, cardiology, and cardiac surgery
  • Integrated Stroke Delivery Networks – there are two Integrated Stroke Delivery Networks (ISDNs) in the East of England – North ISDN and South ISDN. The stroke and cardiac networks share the CVD prevention programme
  • Respiratory Clinical Network – this Network provides leadership across the region to support to quality improvements that can be made in the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of respiratory disease in the East of England
  • Long COVID Clinical Network – a new network sitting within the Respiratory Network umbrella, the Long COVID network was set up in response to the emergence of Post-COVID Syndrome and the need to provide assessment and treatment services for this new condition
  • Diabetes Clinical Network – this network has been in existence for some years but has recently been refocused to provide assurance for the recovery of these services post-pandemic as well as implementing a number of new technologies and pathways of care.

These Networks are instrumental in delivering the triple aim of the 2021 White Paper Integration and Innovation: Working Together to Improve Health and Social Care for All.