
NHS England invests £230m to secure world-class GP IT systems

NHS England has today (3 April) outlined plans for how more than £230 million in funding will be used to ensure all GP practices across England have high-quality IT systems. Set out in an updated operating model for 2014-16, ‘Securing Excellence in GP IT Services’ (document available on our archived website), the plans aim to […]

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Improving General Practice – A Call to Action – emerging findings report published

NHS England has published our emerging findings report on a future strategy for commissioning general practice services. Building on the outcome of engagement with stakeholders in 2013 under Improving General Practice – a Call to Action, the report focuses on the central role NHS England wants general practice to play in wider systems of primary […]

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NHS England using technology to beat cost of missed appointments

Public urged to help NHS England cut no-show appointments Technology is being used to cut the numbers of missed GP and outpatient appointments, NHS England will announced Monday. Figures have suggested that more than twelve million GP appointments are missed each year in the UK, costing in excess of £162 million per year. A further […]

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How can CCGs support GPs in their role as ‘accountable gp’?

From 1 April 2014, GP practices will be offered the opportunity to take part in an enhanced service which is designed to reduce avoidable unplanned admissions by improving services for the most vulnerable patients and those with complex physical or mental health needs.  The key components of the enhanced service will be for practices to: […]

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NHS England publishes outcomes of GP Personal Medical Services review

NHS England has today published the arrangements it will apply to ensure the most effective use of resources for Personal Medical Services (PMS). PMS is a locally-agreed alternative to General Medical Service (GMS) for providers of general practice. NHS England area teams will be reviewing PMS contracts over the next two years to ensure that […]

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Data across all NHS services made easily available to patients

Data about hospital and GP services, Clinical Commissioning Group outcomes and local authority health information is now available in easily-navigable, interactive format on the NHS Choices website. Most of the 201 datasets were previously available on the NHS Choices site, apart from 40 indicators about GP practice standards and performance, used by the NHS to […]

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Radical transformation of GP services to boost quality and access to care for patients across London “Doing nothing is not an option” – Dr Anne Rainsberry

NHS leaders in London have announced the first step in a radical transformation of GP services in London. General Practice – A Call to Action, which is published today (Thursday 28 November 2013), was produced in partnership with some of London’s leading doctors. The aspiration is to transform GP services so they are more convenient, […]

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NHS England welcomes moves to improve care for patients through empowering GPs

Patients are set to benefit from changes to the GP contract which will reduce bureaucracy and free GPs to deliver personalised care. The changes will ensure that the most vulnerable patients receive personalised care. This will mean more patients can be looked after in the community and will reduce emergency admissions.  GPs will be freed […]

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NHS England calls on GPs to end use of expensive 084 numbers

GP practices are to be warned that they will be in breach of contract if they do not take all reasonable steps to stop their patients being asked to use 084 numbers for appointments and advice. The national office of NHS England is writing to all its 27 Area Teams from today – see the […]

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