Learning disability and autism

Our programme is about making health and care services better so that more people with a learning disability, autism or both can live in the community, with the right support, and close to home.

Homes not hospitals

Find out about how we are building more services in the community for people to get the support they need close to where they live.

Improving health

We are working on lots of different projects which are all helping to make people’s health better.


Useful documents, webinars, contact phone numbers and all of our case studies.

STOMP - Owen's story

Sarah and Owen Thomas talk about how getting the right support and medication has helped Owen make the most of the opportunities he has been offered – including performing in his local pantomime and competing in the British and English Equestrian Vaulting Championships.

News and blogs

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Taskforce chairs announced

NHS England’s new cross-sector Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Taskforce will be co-chaired by Professor Anita Thapar and Joanna Killian, the NHS has announced today. The new taskforce, launched together with government, brings together those with lived experience and experts from the NHS, local government as well as education, charity and justice sectors to gain […]