
NHS London Statement: Global IT Outage

Dr Chris Streather, NHS London Medical Director said: Some NHS services across London have been disrupted by the global IT outage. The impact is primarily in GP services, however some hospitals are also experiencing disruption.

“Patients are advised to continue to attend their appointments as usual unless told otherwise. For urgent, but not life-threatening help and advice, people should contact NHS 111 online or by phone. Call handlers may be busier than normal. For urgent repeat prescriptions patients are advised to contact their GP practice or visit their local pharmacy.

“People should continue to use 999 and emergency services if their condition is life-threatening.

“We are working with NHS organisations in London to continually monitor the situation. The NHS has long standing measures in place to manage the disruption, including using paper patient records and handwritten prescriptions, and the usual phone systems to contact GPs.”



Health services in London are also under increased pressure this week as the hot weather continues. Increased heat levels can be dangerous, especially for older people, young children and people with long-term conditions – people are encouraged to follow the advice on staying healthy in hot weather.