
NHS Staff Urge Non-English Speaking Londoners to get the COVID-19 vaccine

NHS doctors, nurses and other frontline staff have come forward to help reassure communities that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and have been independently tested to the highest standards. The clinicians have recorded messages in some of the most commonly spoken non-English languages in the capital to make sure all parts of London know the […]

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More GP appointments available in London for urgent health care this weekend

The NHS in London will be extremely busy this Bank Holiday weekend, but help is available for those who need urgent care. With coronavirus cases rising in the capital, Londoners are being asked only to use 999 and A&E for serious and life-threatening emergencies, with more GP appointments – including evenings and weekends – now […]

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London’s NHS Delivers Life-Saving Jab To Chelsea Pensioners

Around 300 residents of the world-famous Royal Hospital Chelsea, who have served in Korea, the Falkland Islands, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and World War II, and all will be offered the jab. They include Bob Sullivan, 98 year-old D-Day veteran, who fought in World War II. “This year has changed life as we know it causing […]

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NHS urges Londoners with mental health worries to seek help

People with mental health worries are being urged to seek help. Although mental health services have been running throughout the pandemic there was a marked dip in referrals despite evidence that coronavirus is making problems more common. Now a new NHS campaign will encourage anyone suffering from anxiety, depression or other issues to come forward […]

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Fast-track NHS surgery in the capital

Health leaders are urging Londoners to come forward to get the help they need from the NHS, as new surgical hubs are launched across the city. Twenty-nine types of operations – including cataract removal, hysterectomies, and hip and knee replacements – will be delivered from fast-track surgical hubs at multiple locations across London, substantially boosting […]

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Londoners to get NHS urgent and emergency care in the right place, at the right time with 111 First 

How people access parts of emergency care in London is changing  People who need urgent, but not life-threatening, care are being asked to contact NHS 111 before going to A&E. This will reduce waiting times and support social distancing in waiting rooms  111 First will mean from 1 December all Londoners can have an appointment booked for them at a nearby A&E if it’s […]

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London’s NHS workers inspire the next generation

Google searches for ‘ambulance jobs’ shoot up by 70 per cent as prime time TV viewers are gripped by the real-life emergencies paramedics and 999 call handlers are responding to, with the latest episode of Ambulance airing tonight.  As the weekly BBC documentary series ‘Ambulance’, was broadcast last Wednesday (23 September), and viewers watched London […]

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