
Getting ready for school – is your child immunised?

With the start of the new school year in London, Public Health England and NHS England are calling on all parents to ensure that their child is up to date with all recommended immunisations. Starting school is an exciting time for children but many start school not fully immunised. If your child is not fully […]

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MPs join mission to make London the world’s first dementia friendly city

Parliamentarians from across the capital and beyond are meeting with NHS England (London) dementia experts today to pledge to transform London into the world’s first dementia friendly city. More than 40 MPs and decisions makers will join Eileen Sills CBE, Clinical Director for the London Dementia Strategic Clinical Network and Chief Nurse at Guy’s and […]

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Services in the Community – the Art of the Possible

Procuring, Commissioning and Providing Services in the Community to Meet the Needs of the Future. To support commissioners and providers of Community Services across London, a conference is planned for Monday 14 July in central London: This conference is seen as an opportunity to draw together the different partners to facilitate learning and action planning […]

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Tottenham Hotspur signs up to support NHS England’s cancer campaign for a second season

Spurs claim an ‘overwhelming response’ to the Get to know cancer campaign Tottenham Hotspur has today announced that it will be supporting NHS England’s (London) ‘Get to know cancer’ campaign next season, following what the Club has called an ‘overwhelming response’ this year. The campaign, which is designed to boost early detection of cancer through better […]

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NHS England outlines new measures to tackle cancer in London

Lowering the age of referrals, speedier access to tests, and more community programmes to help people spot the early signs of cancer are among a raft of new measures – unveiled by London’s health leaders today – to tackle the capital’s biggest cause of premature death. More than 13,600 people die of cancer[1] every year in […]

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