
London Health and Care Leaders Forum – 11 March 2014

The second of the London Health and Care Leaders Forum took place on Tuesday 11 March 2014 and was hosted by McKinsey and supported by the London Leading for Health Partnership. Following on from a very successful first meeting in October 2013, the Forum brought together the leadership community from across health and care in […]

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London Recovery and Improvement Plans – 2013/2014

In May 2013, NHS England set out plans to strengthen performance in urgent and emergency care to help hospital Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments meet demand and tackle waiting time pressures, including during the busy winter months. As part of this, NHS England brought together healthcare leaders from different parts of the local NHS to […]

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New NHS plan to tackle soaring cancer rates and transform standards of care for more people living with and beyond cancer in London

NHS Leaders have today launched a five year plan to transform cancer services to meet the soaring numbers of Londoners surviving cancer. Whilst cancer is still the biggest cause of premature death, the number of people living with and beyond cancer[1]  is set to rise to 400,000 by 2030. Every hour three more Londoners[2] are diagnosed […]

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Radical transformation of GP services to boost quality and access to care for patients across London “Doing nothing is not an option” – Dr Anne Rainsberry

NHS leaders in London have announced the first step in a radical transformation of GP services in London. General Practice – A Call to Action, which is published today (Thursday 28 November 2013), was produced in partnership with some of London’s leading doctors. The aspiration is to transform GP services so they are more convenient, […]

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Improving specialist cancer and cardiovascular services in north and east London and west Essex – have you given us your feedback?

NHS England, together with local clinical commissioning groups, is currently considering changing the way some specialised cancer and cardiovascular services are delivered in north and east London and west Essex. Cancer and cardiovascular disease cause two-thirds of early deaths in London. If we were to improve local survival rates for heart disease and all cancers […]

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London’s hospitals to check maternity and emergency care service standards

London’s hospitals have been asked to measure themselves against a set of ‘quality standards’ in a fresh drive to improve the safety of acute emergency and maternity services. London’s Quality Standards – developed by clinicians across the capital – are designed to address variations in the quality of patient outcomes between weekdays and weekends and […]

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NHS England in London publishes case for change that could lead to cancer and heart disease ‘super centres’ to save thousands of lives

More  than 1,000 extra lives could be saved in London every year, if care for patients with cancer and heart disease is more joined-up and new ‘super centres’ within a network of services across north and east London are approved.  The case for change, put forward by cancer and heart disease doctors and nurses, could […]

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