
Shaping a Healthier Future programme

Shaping a Healthier Future is the programme to reshape hospital and out of hospital health and care services in North West London. North West London has a growing and ageing population, and at present, specialist care is too thinly spread over too many sites and some facilities are inadequate. A major public consultation on the […]

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Better Health for London: One Year On

A year ago, Lord Darzi published the visionary Better Health for London report which along with the NHS’ Five Year Forward View set out aspirations for improving the health of Londoners and making the capital the healthiest city in the world. Now, one year on, the London Health Board- made up of NHS England (London), […]

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Whooping cough vaccination lowest in pregnant Londoners

Pregnant London women have the lowest participation rate in the free whooping cough vaccination programme, according to figures released by NHS England (London) recently. Dr Catherine Heffernan, Principal Advisor for Early Years, Immunisation and Vaccination Services for NHS England (London), said: “The vaccination is safe and effective, reducing the risk of whooping cough by 90% […]

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London Patient Voice launches first report scrutinising public engagement in NHS England (London)

NHS England (London) is successfully engaging with patients and the public according to an independent report launched today (Monday 5th October). The report – written by London Patient Voice – sets out how NHS England (London) has made good progress over the last year in engaging with patients, especially when set against a difficult operating environment undergoing […]

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Statement responding to LMC evidence to Health Select Committee

Commenting on reports about evidence from Londonwide LMCs to the Health Select Committee as part of their enquiry into GP pressures, a spokesperson for NHS England (London) said: “General practice is the foundation of the NHS and we understand the pressure on GPs. We are working hard with our partners, including the RCGP, on a […]

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London pharmacists supporting children and young people with asthma to breathe easy

Throughout summer, pharmacists across London have been helping children and young people to manage their asthma more effectively as part of a NHS England (London) public health campaign. Since the campaign began in late July, over 1,880 children and young people, their carers or parents have spoken with over 450 pharmacists about effective asthma management. […]

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New providers chosen to deliver diabetic eye screening for Londoners

Five organisations have today been announced as the new providers of diabetic eye screening across London from 1 November 2015. Eye screening is a key part of diabetes care to check for diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can lead to sight loss if it’s not detected early and treated. Everyone aged 12 and over with […]

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