
Services in the Community – the Art of the Possible

Procuring, Commissioning and Providing Services in the Community to Meet the Needs of the Future. To support commissioners and providers of Community Services across London, a conference is planned for Monday 14 July in central London: This conference is seen as an opportunity to draw together the different partners to facilitate learning and action planning […]

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Tottenham Hotspur signs up to support NHS England’s cancer campaign for a second season

Spurs claim an ‘overwhelming response’ to the Get to know cancer campaign Tottenham Hotspur has today announced that it will be supporting NHS England’s (London) ‘Get to know cancer’ campaign next season, following what the Club has called an ‘overwhelming response’ this year. The campaign, which is designed to boost early detection of cancer through better […]

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NHS England outlines new measures to tackle cancer in London

Lowering the age of referrals, speedier access to tests, and more community programmes to help people spot the early signs of cancer are among a raft of new measures – unveiled by London’s health leaders today – to tackle the capital’s biggest cause of premature death. More than 13,600 people die of cancer[1] every year in […]

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London Health and Care Leaders Forum – 11 March 2014

The second of the London Health and Care Leaders Forum took place on Tuesday 11 March 2014 and was hosted by McKinsey and supported by the London Leading for Health Partnership. Following on from a very successful first meeting in October 2013, the Forum brought together the leadership community from across health and care in […]

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Wellhappy Kat wins award for helping young people access health services

The developer of an app which lets young people across London find the health services they need at the tap of a screen – from mental health services in Barking, to drug and alcohol advice in Hounslow, to sexual health screening in Lambeth – has won an award for her work. Since its launch in […]

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London Recovery and Improvement Plans – 2013/2014

In May 2013, NHS England set out plans to strengthen performance in urgent and emergency care to help hospital Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments meet demand and tackle waiting time pressures, including during the busy winter months. As part of this, NHS England brought together healthcare leaders from different parts of the local NHS to […]

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New NHS plan to tackle soaring cancer rates and transform standards of care for more people living with and beyond cancer in London

NHS Leaders have today launched a five year plan to transform cancer services to meet the soaring numbers of Londoners surviving cancer. Whilst cancer is still the biggest cause of premature death, the number of people living with and beyond cancer[1]  is set to rise to 400,000 by 2030. Every hour three more Londoners[2] are diagnosed […]

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