
Innovation across London sees waiting times cut for elective care

The NHS in London is continuing to find new ways to battle the backlog of people waiting for routine treatment, with teams taking on new methods to give more people the care they need. From ‘Super Saturdays’ to High Intensity Theatre (‘HIT’) lists and new outpatient buildings opening, NHS staff across the capital are pulling […]

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Londoners called to consider nursing as new NHS recruitment drive begins

The NHS is encouraging anyone in the capital looking for a fulfilling and meaningful career to consider nursing after 82% of Londoners surveyed said nurses have made a positive impact in their life, according to a new survey. Commissioned by NHS England for its annual We Are The NHS recruitment drive, the survey also found […]

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Over one million Londoners get autumn Covid-19 booster jab

More than a million people in London have now received an autumn Covid-19 booster jab, new figures show. The NHS in London has made the announcement while it continues to encourage eligible residents of the capital to take up the offer of free vaccination to boost their protection ahead of winter. So far, the NHS […]

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London’s NHS makes great strides in tackling waiting lists

Latest figures show the NHS in London has reduced the number of people waiting more than 18 months for treatment by 80% over the past year. Due to the impact of Covid, by August 2021 the number of people in London waiting 18 months or more had grown to 11,500, but a concerted effort by […]

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‘London, You Good?’: NHS London launches new mental health campaign for young people  

The capital’s NHS is launching a London-wide campaign calling for young people to seek help if they are struggling with their mental health, as recent figures show attendances at Emergency Departments (Accident and Emergency) for young people with a mental health diagnosis have increased since 2019. In 2021, there were 6.9% more Emergency Department attendances […]

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Routine HIV testing rolls out to all Emergency Departments in London

Patients in Emergency Departments (EDs) in all London NHS hospitals will now be offered HIV tests, as NHS England announces the expansion of opt-out routine testing across London. While some trusts have already been implementing opt-out HIV testing, successfully identifying undiagnosed HIV and offering effective early treatment, the initiative has now expanded to every NHS […]

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Stock up and stay safe this summer bank holiday

The capital’s NHS is calling for Londoners to plan for their healthcare needs early, ahead of the August bank holiday weekend, and take precautions to protect their health while enjoying the extended weekend break. With some GPs and pharmacies closed or working reduced hours, it is important to be prepared in advance for any existing […]

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