Community Action for Partnerships in Health (CAPH)

In July 2023 the NHS London Legacy and Health Equity Partnership (LHEP) hosted the first Community Action for Partnerships in Health (CAPH) conference in collaboration with the Greater London Authority (GLA). The conference was an opportunity to hear from the voices of our communities and partners and launched the CAPH microgrant initiative.

London based organisations who work directly with communities were invited to apply for a microgrant of up to £5,000 to support the implementation of a work programme, the gathering of community insights, or the design and delivery of a bespoke initiative, in line with the themes of the grant programme.

The aim of the microgrant programme and CAPH was to:

  • Strengthen relationships between communities and health services, to increase trust in the NHS and support services to respond to community health priorities
  • Reduce health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of London communities
  • Support communities to navigate health services and improve the cultural competence of services

You can view successful recipients of the grants programme here. More information on the grants prospectus and the awarding process can be found here.