Synnovis Ransomware Cyber-Attack

Synnovis, a pathology partnership between SYNLAB, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Hospitals NHS Trust, was hit by a ransomware cyber-attack on Monday 3 June 2024.

Affected sites and services include:

Synnovis also provides specialist tests for other hospitals in the country, however the material service impact remains in south east London.


Advice to patients and the public

NHS organisations across London are working in partnership to manage patient care following the ransomware cyber-attack on Synnovis on Monday 3 June.

Blood tests are vital for a wide range of treatments, meaning that this attack has caused significant disruption in south east London across a range of different treatments. While this has resulted in the cancellation of appointments and operations affected by the attack, it’s important that any patients who have not been contacted about this do continue to attend their appointments.

If you have not heard from your healthcare provider, please attend appointments as normal as services including outpatients and community services are mostly running as usual, including cervical screening.

Urgent and emergency services are available as usual so patients should access services in the normal way by dialling 999 in an emergency and otherwise use NHS 111 through the NHS App, online or on the phone.