Meeting of the Board of NHS England 25 July 2024 – agenda

Date and time: 25 July 2024, approximately 2:10pm
Location: Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG

2:10pm – Welcome: Richard Meddings (item 1) – verbal update

1.1 Apologies for absence
1.2 Declarations of interest
1.3 To approve minutes from the Board meetings held on 16 May 2024

2:15pm – Chair’s update: Richard Meddings (item 2) – verbal update

2:30pm – Chief Executive Officer’s update: Amanda Pritchard (item 3)

2:45pm – Performance update (item 4) 

4.1 Operational performance update – Dame Emily Lawson
4.2 Financial performance update – Julian Kelly

3:25pm – Autumn/Winter 2024 Seasonal Vaccination: Steve Russell (item 5) 

3:45pm – Cancer – Diagnosis and treatment: Prof. Peter Johnson, David Fitzgerald, Dame Emily Lawson (item 6) 

4:05pm – National Guardian’s Office Update and priorities for 2024/25: Jayne Chidgey-Clark (item 7) 

4:30pm – Annual report on NHS England’s work on healthcare inequalities and the NHS Race and Health Observatory: Chris Hopson, Bola Owolabi, Dr Habib Naqvi (item 8) 

4:50pm – NHS England Internal Freedom to Speak Up Annual Report: Steve Powis, Dorota Mason, Anneliese Hillyer-Thake (item 9) 

* Directions and Mandatory Requests for Information: Steve Russell, Jackie Gray (item 10) 

  • summary of electronic Prescribing and Medicine Administration (ePMA) Directions 2024 issued to NHS England by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in May 2024
  • summary of Healthcare Operational Data Flows Directions 2024 issued to NHS England by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in May 2024
  • summary of NHS login for health services supplied by third party Apps in Wales Request 2024 issued to NHS England by the Digital Health Care Wales in May 2024

5:10pm – Any other business and close: Richard Meddings