NHS vision for abortion services

The NHS has published its objectives and vision for abortion services. This sets out the need for improved access and care through greater collaboration between the independent sector and the NHS, sustainable funding arrangements, integrated commissioning practices and greater NHS surgical provision.

This vision was first published as part of a letter to systems in March 2024 (available on the link below) setting out the pressures facing the sector and asking integrated care boards to take forward a small number of key actions to help support services locally and nationally. Integrated care boards are asked to commission services in line with this vision.


Improved access and care for all those who need abortion services.


  • A more managed and collaborative approach between independent sector providers and the NHS to meet and manage demand, including coordination of provision at the most appropriate geographies to bring wait times in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence standards, expanding training to ensure we grow surgical skills and improve access to services.
  • Appropriately funded, financially sustainable services supported by an NHS Payment Scheme that promotes sustainability for both independent and NHS providers.
  • Commissioning practices that support sector resilience and development, promote quality and collaboration, and take a whole-pathway approach to sexual health and abortion services.
  • Enhanced NHS provision, workforce training and support, particularly in relation to surgical abortions, to create additional capacity within the system and meet patient needs.