Sexual assault and abuse services (SAAS) national patient and public voice (PPV) partner group: application information pack

Thank you for your interest in this position. Please read this pack before completing the application form, to ensure you fully understand the process, and to decide if becoming a PPV member of this group is right for you. 

Please note the closing date for applications is 26 August at 11:59pm.

1. About the group

The SAAS lived experience group was set up to help to develop and drive patient and public participation in health and justice commissioning relating to SAAS.

The group meets on average four times a year, meetings are typically two hours long. The group is led by a person in the role of Lead Advisor.

2. About commissioning

Commissioning describes how NHS England works with others to design services, develop contracts and fund health services. This group will focus on how we can improve lived experience involvement in health and justice commissioning specifically relating to sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) and SAAS (the broader pathway of care for victims and survivors). 

As a PPV member you will be part of shaping the role of the group which works nationally to embed lived experience involvement, so that all healthcare services take into account people’s experiences.

We are aiming to recruit a number of PPV members with a range of perspectives. The group aims to have a real impact on changing health services and as a member you will have access to training and support; as well as the opportunity to engage commissioners around decisions on the health services NHS England commissions for victims and survivors.

A key role for the group will also be to identify and share innovation and good participation practice across SARC and SAAS commissioning. The group will draw on a range of people with lived experience, stakeholder organisations, commissioners and policy experts including from regional and national teams. The group will link with the SAAS Clinical Network, which gives clinical advice, and the SAAS Advisory Group which is a national cross government group.

3. How to apply

Please complete and return the application form.

Please return your application in Word format to so we can anonymise it for the shortlisting panel.

To receive other formats of this application pack (e.g. easy read version) please contact

We will review all applications. Details of next steps is further down this pack.

4. Role and aims of the group

  • offer advice on participation in the development of national policies in relation to SAAS.
  • act as a national forum for individuals with lived experience of SAAS services
  • identify and share best practice in participation in commissioning of Health and Justice services relating to SAAS
  • inform and support Health and Justice commissioners to improve public and public participation where needed

5. Role of and commitment from PPV partners in the group

  • Attend quarterly meetings, typically two hours long. We operate a mixed model of online and in person meetings
  • champion the diverse range of patient and public views, as well as representing your own experience
  • act as champions in developing a culture in NHS England where embedding patient and public participation becomes ‘business as usual’
  • provide honest feedback and challenge when necessary
  • read papers and proposals which are circulated in advance
  • provide advice and make recommendations when necessary, relevant to their your areas of expertise, either during face-to-face meetings, or between meetings via email
  • take part in other meetings or events (including face to face and virtual) where appropriate
  • comply with the Standards of Conduct, respecting the confidential nature of discussions
  • the specific work programme for the group will be determined by both the group itself, and by commissioning priorities identified by NHS England
  • members of the group will be involved in identifying good practice and case studies for sharing across the system
  • members will be recruited for an initial term of one year, with an option to extend to three years if agreed on both sides

6.  Skills and experience

  • having lived experience relevant to the group
  • experience of receiving health services in a relation to SAAS
  • able to consider and evaluate a range of information and evidence
  • aware of, and committed to, equality, diversity and inclusion
  • understands the need for confidentiality

7. Support for PPV partners

A one hour induction session will take place on-line, at which point a named link will be provided to support PPV partners with information they may require.

Other support includes:

  • support with producing and reading documents and pre-meeting briefings
  • group will be able to access training and resources once enrolled
  • group members will have support from either the lead advisor (or someone else identified by the lead advisor)
  • reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. Expenses usually cover travel, accommodation and/or any subsistence requirements that arise. They would also seek to address any barriers to participation, for example, covering the costs of a carer that may need to accompany an PPV representative

Please get in touch with should you wish to discuss this further.

This position also offers an involvement payment of £75 for up to 4 hours (which will include reading papers and planning for meetings).

The sensitivity of the subject matter is acknowledged as is the importance of supporting group members as individuals. If you do wish to discuss this aspect further ahead of applying, please contact in the first instance.

8. Equality of opportunity

NHS England values and promotes diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity for all.

Please let us know if you need any reasonable adjustments to enable you to participate fully.

9. Once we receive your application

1. We will acknowledge receipt via email (unless otherwise specified) within five days.

2. Applications will be shortlisted by a panel of two to three people, including members drawn from the following:

  • SAAS lived experience lead advisor and PPV group
  • National SAAS team, NHS England
  • Health and justice team, NHS England

3. Applications will initially be assessed against the skills and experience required, outlined in section 6 above.

4. Interviews will take place w/c 9 September and will be a half hour online interview asking about why you want the roles and what skills you would bring to it.

5. All applicants will receive a successful or unsuccessful notification. The successful notifications will include information about next steps.

If you have any queries about the application process, or would like an informal discussion about the opportunity – please contact the team via